Illinois state comptroller withholds funds over ‘Super Mayor’ refusal to follow state law – IOTW Report

Illinois state comptroller withholds funds over ‘Super Mayor’ refusal to follow state law

An Illinois town is having its funds withheld due to the administration of its scandal-plagued, self-proclaimed “Super Mayor.”

All “offset” funds to the Village of Dolton have been suspended by Illinois State Comptroller Susana Mendoza who said Democrat Mayor Tiffany Henyard “refuses” to follow the law and turn over financial records.

Annual reports, including financial statements, audits, and Tax Increment Financing District (TIF) reports have not been submitted by Henyard in the last two years, according to Fox 32 Chicago.

“When municipalities around Illinois are having legitimate problems filing their annual reports with us, based on staffing or other issues, we earnestly work with them to get them into compliance,” Mendoza said in a statement. “Dolton is different. The Mayor’s office has refused to communicate with us or address the problem. If Mayor Henyard refuses to follow state law, my office will use the tools at our disposal to safeguard the interests of Dolton’s citizens.” more here

19 Comments on Illinois state comptroller withholds funds over ‘Super Mayor’ refusal to follow state law

  1. Another criminal just like the rest of Illinois elected officials. Hoping the rest of the criminals are caught soon. Am sick to death of these dumb fuck Illinois Demoncrats that keep voting for the party of Satan.

  2. Absolutely nothing has changed in Illinois since Capone ran the Chicago crime syndicate.
    Well, maybe the shade of criminal has gotten a little darker, but that’s all.

  3. I’ve been following this because it is…..hilarious. The mayor runs the place like a dictatorship and spends money faster than my ex-wife. The deputy police chief has been either suspended, terminated, not-terminated or re-hired – and won’t go away despite supposedly being barred from police headquarters. The mayor’s top aid, who has been indicted for bankruptcy fraud (as has the deputy police chief) was either complicit in covering up the mayor’s misdeeds, or did these things himself, and has been either promoted, fired or re-hired, and is apparently now working with the Feds and thus now the mayor’s chief enemy.

    The last video I watched on this mess was done by a local black gentleman who blames…Democrats and the black voters in the community. Specifically, he looked at what’s happening in Dolton and noted that this wouldn’t happen in Salt Lake City, Utah or Boise, Idaho but seems to happen a lot in Democrat run cities. As I’ve said, I have been following this mess and this black gentleman is the only commentator who hit the nail on the head.

  4. The good people of Dolton voted her into office because she’s a back female democrat. They don’t want good government, they want to stick it to the man.

    Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.

  5. Dolton is 85% black. They allow their politicians to get away with almost anything because they’d do the same thing if given the chance. She voted herself a salary of a half million a year while also passing a law that no mayor after her could make more than $25,000. They’re all criminals at heart, stealing everything in sight.


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