ILLINOIS: We’re gonna pass on that $100M for Obama Library – IOTW Report

ILLINOIS: We’re gonna pass on that $100M for Obama Library

Big Government

On April 17, the Illinois legislature floated the idea of spending $100 million in Illinois tax dollars on an Obama Presidential library, despite that the President has made no decision on where his library will be. Almost immediately the idea drew criticism. Now, as the Illinois legislative session ends, the plan is stalled.

Originally, Illinois House Speaker, Democrat Mike Madigan, said that the idea was a sure thing. “The state of Illinois will spend over $1 billion in construction this year alone, so $100 million is not out of line. It’s clearly a good investment for the future,” Madigan said in April.

Yet even as Madigan, the most powerful man in the state, thought HB6090 would sail through the legislature, he still felt the need to conduct a secret committee meeting–excluding Republicans–to approve of the plan.

Despite Madigan’s power, protests started immediately. Illinois is nearly bankrupt and sits at the bottom of nearly every metric of what makes a successful state and this secret $100 million was too much for even some Democrats to vote for.


image: Zazzle

20 Comments on ILLINOIS: We’re gonna pass on that $100M for Obama Library

  1. Hundred million not nearly enough taxpayer anal raping for unions. Quarter billion and up buys enough corruption to make Narcissus’ Temple happen.

    It’s the Chicago/Communist way.

  2. The initiative is stalled.
    Illinois democrats will revive this waste of taxpayer money to honor the dishonorable one ……Illinois is “the” heavy weight of waste and corruption.
    Just wait until the other shoe drops (after the election).

  3. Illinois is broke. There isn’t 100 million to spend. It would just be more borrowed money the democrats in Illinois expect the rest of the nation to pay.

  4. I read this and wondered why they need so much money. Obama’s “library” would be filled with shelves devoid of books, a bunch of propoganda, and empty suits… Get an empty refrigerator box, put a suit in it from a thrift store and be done with it… all for $29.95…

  5. 100MIL? most of that would be converting anything written in English in ebonics or graphic novels so that the kids pushed thru the public school system of Chicago would be able to understand it.

  6. A 100-million bucks won’t build much in Chicago. After all the outright theft, down-low graft, “permits, inspections and surveys”, and union vandalism, the resulting 8′ x 10′ tar paper shack with a plywood roof would be a fitting tribute to Teh Chosen Won, a metaphor to his undoing of America.

  7. Obama’s Presidential library will be filled with blank slates.

    It is an empty building, covered by facades.

    You imagine for yourself what is inside. Equality is experienced by everyone who pays the toll to enter. Reality does not match fantasy. All are disappointed.

  8. Gad! how can we be so hard hearted?
    100 mil for ‘the one’ is small ‘Mooch Approved’ potatoes
    Along with the cavalcade of interactive exhibits like the ever exciting:’Reparations Calculator’ is the “Slave for a day” game for those visitors afflicted with White Privilege, where the Black children can role play and administer whippings and deny the ‘slaves’ civil rights in a fun and educational setting.
    There will also be the Maya Angelou Poet-icizer that will turn any coherent sentence into entitlement philosophy laden gibberish, and the expanded ‘Keeping it Real Courtyard’ for minor altercations and wig snatching’s.

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