Illinois will soon allow construction of new nuclear power projects – IOTW Report

Illinois will soon allow construction of new nuclear power projects

(The Center Square) – A new law puts an end to a statewide moratorium on new nuclear power plants from the 1980s, officially bringing the prospect of new nuclear power plants back to the Land of Lincoln.

The measure first passed earlier this year but was vetoed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

“The bill is vetoed because the vague definitions in the bill, including the overly broad definition of advanced reactors, will open the door to the proliferation of large-scale nuclear reactors that are so costly to build that they will cause exorbitant ratepayer-funded bailouts,” Pritzker said in August. 

Pritzker said the original measure was a safety issue for those near the new construction sights. 

“This provides no regulatory protections or updates to address the health and safety of Illinois residents who would live and work around these new reactors,” Pritzker said in a statement. 

A revised measure from state Sen. Sue Rezin, R-Morris, was passed during the fall veto session and signed by Pritzker on Friday.  more

21 Comments on Illinois will soon allow construction of new nuclear power projects

  1. Note to states passing laws banning ICE automobiles: your local grid will not support the EV’s you’re demanding people buy, instead. Take a hint from Illinois and build new nuclear plants – or rescind your stupid law!

  2. Nice of them to stop obstructing the only technically feasible option. Now about the Federal environmental regulations, impact statements, and plethora of lawsuits to obstruct the construction…. As practiced in present times, this is tje batest of minimum requirements, not to mention the pillaging of the publics’ pockets for a decade or more while the site gets built. In the mean time, Mad Max in Illinois, but they’ve got all the pigs they need in Shicago, and the behavior is already established.

  3. Pigs YOUR ass! The honorable J. D. Pritzker brought Illinois out of bankruptcy unlike your Trumptard jackass, who only makes false fake promises. Most likely this power plant has nothing to do with Chicago, more like a replacement for their aging nuclear power plants.

  4. The honorable J. D. Pritzker – cough, cough…
    Leftist democRATz, especially the “Elite” can’t wind a watch without a personal assistant, personal trainer, house-keepers, chauffeurs, accountants, consultants and psychiatrists, living their dysfunctional lives through the revolving doors of divorce courts, bankruptcy courts, custody courts, criminal courts and rehab centers while living in their gated communities with their White neighbors and friends, lecturing the “little guy” on “dangerous guns” and how WE are ruining the environment while they live in their multiple mansions with garages full of exotic cars, yachts on ocean-front property (that is somehow immune to so-called rising tides of “Global Warming”), flying off to European meetings in their private jets with private security to preach to us, the average, hard-working, over-taxed payer what to think, how to live in gun-free zones, what to eat, how to raise our kids, educate them on 57 genders and sexual porn, women can be men and men can be women yet they can’t define a woman, what kind of energy we should use, use the electric bus (and roast yer nutz off) or electric whatchmacallit don’t eat meat (bugs are preferred!), just learn to code if you work in coal, oil or gas industry while they diminish our power grid, and of course who to vote for!

    Leftist democRATz can go fuck themselves and start doing it vigorously using Jackass Joe as the dick!

  5. Bob TUESDAY, 12 DECEMBER 2023, 9:38 AT 9:38 AM
    Better get busy, it only takes about 20+ yrs to build one.

    How long to bring those shut down back online? Is it even possible to do so in a more economically way than building new with the latest necrology?

    Fishing the water discharge from the Zion plant used to be an option until they shut that one down (limited on how close you could get before the coast guard or other would be up your ass). Provided power and a temperature break in the lake water

  6. Nuclear is OK but Jimmy the peanut farmer Carter banned reactors which considerably reduced nuclear waste and generates more fuel for itself. His idea was that these reactors created plutonium which was fuel for atomic weapons. Newer reactors use the waste plutonium as fuel so it reduces the amount of high radioactive waste. Instead, the US reactors generate tons of highly radioactive waste that has to be stored somewhere and some of that waste lasts thousands of years. There is no central location in the US that accepts this waste so it all has to be stored on site. Unless we use modern reactors, we are going to have more tons of waste than can ever be safely stored. So today, the US is upgrading all the nuclear weapons and we can’t use cleaner reactors.

  7. No one is more concerned about Illinoisans safety than a pampered rotund governor who has a track record of eliminating your right to defend yourself. When seconds count, legislation to create laws stripping criminals of their ability to handle a “ghost gun” or an “assault rifle” or a “high capacity” magazine or a “scary looking gun” (that criminals will certainly obey) have already or are currently working their way through Springfield. No one cares more about safety than your average obedient low information useless frequent voting tyrant enabling Chicagoan. As if the pricks care, just like all nuclear power plants that power the lives of braindead Chicago dwellers, eminent domain will be declared, and generational farmers located dozens of miles outside city limits will be be stripped of their livelihoods. The medicine ball of a governor will probably work in several acres on that property for another equestrian estate at taxpayer expense because he deserves it for leading the charge on safety or something.

  8. Awwwwwww I’m triggered, at least Mr Hyatt house (one of the greatest hotel chains in the world) is getting things done & of course republican’ts hate this. Unfortunately the GOP has trouble tying their shoes let along running gummerment. Amen!

  9. Hey ecp, da boys will gladly & personally give you a tour of updated Southside of Chicago. Please contact, for a after midnight tour of our great city. Note, please come alone, tanks.

  10. Trapped, oh really? Cause in America, Real America there is always a choice. So you LOVED It & chose to stay because of YOUR reasons or your need to cry like a poor baby bout it.

  11. Liberals love to imagine their entire world as if it’s just a simple choice. If you decide it and do it then *bam* *magic* it happens. Especially big things like, oh I don’t know, controlling the temperature of the sun by reducing CO2 gas in the atmosphere on Earth. It’s a really easy choice, just don’t live a first world life, give up all modern advancements, and the sun will not burn as hot.

    And I get criticized for believing about an imaginary God dude in the sky. If that ain’t some shit, right?

    But for some reason are against the choice of others to defend themselves.

    Then they deny the choice to the unborn to live and make his or her choices in the future.

    They disallow your choice to speak because it’s not their speech.

    Oh the whole thing is just so tiresome. Don’t you get tired of the hypocrisy? Ahhhh.. it’s not even hypocrisy anymore, it’s straight up cringe.

    At the end of the day it’s all about controlling the actions of other people. I mean, why else would they be so in favor of all this gay automated surveillance? From their own homes, to their own cars, right down to refrigerators and goddamn garbage disposals.

    Sure. I could leave Chicagoland tomorrow. Hell, I could have left years ago. It’s a very simple choice. Just do it. But what you’re not understanding, and you never will because you’re a shallow thinker is a very critical question. At what cost?

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