I’m beginning to suspect the poop rumor is true – IOTW Report

I’m beginning to suspect the poop rumor is true

Patriot Retort: Last weekend, a rumor went around social media that President Biden had a “bathroom accident” while visiting Pope Francis at the Vatican. Naturally, #PoopyPantsBiden and #PoopGate began trending on Twitter.

When I saw the initial tweet that set off it off, I didn’t believe it. The person who started it is the former Nevada GOP Chairwoman. She didn’t say how she heard about it or from whom. So the whole rumor sounded sketchy from the start. Unless it was the loudest sphincter evacuation in the history of the universe, how would she know? MORE

37 Comments on I’m beginning to suspect the poop rumor is true

  1. I am not a fan of potty humor, but this isn’t humor. We’re talking about the President of the United States on the world stage.

    But I love Dianny’s take on it.

  2. I was skeptical myself, until photographs of Dementia Joe were published showing him in two separate suits, one black and another blue. Who goes to the Vatican to change suits?

  3. He needs to eat more beans because they reliably produce ‘happy gas’ which is over 99% liquid free. (The 1% is a problem, however.)

    (It’s possible I’m over-analyzing this. Shit.)

  4. Side effect of dementia drugs and dementia, loss of sphincter muscle control.
    Bought Depends by the pallet for Mom at Sam’s Club.
    “Just the facts, M’am.” – Joe Friday

  5. Of course it’s true. The Piss Dossier on Trump was just massive precognitive karmic projection on Trump, and the Dems had no clue what they were doing. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Rest assured.

  6. Rough crowd here tonight, but Turnip Joe deserves every ounce of derision that piled on him.

    And now that I think on it, that was extremely rude and disrespectful for Joe to just cut the cheese in that situation. Friggin’ nullwit.

  7. Monday Morning and a nice fresh mattress arrives at the White House. And in 7 days it will have been pissed right through, removed & burned in a medical incinerator like all the ones before it.

    And The Biden administration wanted a DEEP CLEANING of the White House after Trump left. Horseshit!

  8. “We’re talking about the President of the United States on the world stage.”

    “We’re talking about the corrupt, poopy-pants, pedophile, maggot, retarded, traitorous Usurper who claims to be the President of the United States on the world stage.”

    fixed it for ya!

    Fuck Joe Biden
    mortem tyrannis

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. No doubt about it
    with all the green energy and infrastructure talk going on, we, the public, really need to know- is biden using disposable diapers or cloth ones, that can be laundered and reused? I can’t believe this- but it is a legitimate question in our world of today.

  10. We keep asking “how much further can Jill and the Democratic party keep pulling this Weekend At Bernies farce? A little perspective for you:

    The FAST scale for assessing functional ability for dementia patients puts him at a 6E with this.

    One step further to 7A and he’s eligible for hospice under the Medicare benefit.

    Let that sink in.

  11. In retrospect, maybe Joe Biden really DID say, “My Butts been wiped.

    Maybe I was being too tough on him when I said he was spewing some senile word salad like “My WHAT’s been what?”

    Maybe he’d already had shart episode a few hours prior and needed to reassure everybody that they could get close to him without losing their lunch

  12. “I’m beginning to suspect the poop rumor is true”

    It’s true, he’s no different in the pooping your pants than anyone else his age. WalMart sells a lot of Depends. Ever been behind someone at WalMart and there’s a big shit stain on the back of their pants? I always move to the other side of the store. I hope someone puts them out of their misery and the misery to others. I guess it would be a miserable thing to walk around nuts and shit in your pants. Whadda life!

  13. Anonymous November 8, 2021 at 8:37 am

    You better be careful, it’s catchy, you all might be poopin in your diapers very soon, or your all full of shit.

    You mean like yourself and your life experience?

  14. allmelennie November 8, 2021 at 7:53 am

    Maybe he’d already had shart episode a few hours prior and needed to reassure everybody that they could get close to him without losing their lunch

    I lose my lunch just looking at the retard. Everything about him is nothing but piss, shit, hockey-puck damn. It’s like a CRINGE-FACTOR with Biden, what’s he going to say or do next to embarrass us? Biden is the Poster Child for Depends.

  15. @Anonymous

    The Difference is that WE (and our families)would have the dignity, self respect, & national respect to take ourselves out of the game and not Fuck 3 future generations due to our egos.

    You would get that if you were legit.

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