‘I’m Finished With This Stiff’: Trump Blasts Mike DeWine For Vetoing Ban On Child Sex Changes – IOTW Report

‘I’m Finished With This Stiff’: Trump Blasts Mike DeWine For Vetoing Ban On Child Sex Changes


Former President Donald Trump blasted Republican Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio Saturday over the governor’s veto of a bill banning child sex changes.

DeWine announced the veto of the legislation, House Bill 68, Friday despite its overwhelming passage by the state legislature. The bill not only banned child sex changes, but it also prohibited biological males from competing in women’s sports.

“DeWine has fallen to the Radical Left,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “No wonder he gets loudly booed in Ohio every time I introduce him at Rallies, but I won’t be introducing him any more. I’m finished with this ‘stiff.’” more

10 Comments on ‘I’m Finished With This Stiff’: Trump Blasts Mike DeWine For Vetoing Ban On Child Sex Changes

  1. De-Whine is a career political hack, started as a democrat, got beat. He was elected as County Prosecutor as a republican, then to the Ohio Senate, Moved up to Congressman, then US senator, then Ohio Attorney general then Governor.
    In Politics since 1977, he has always been liberal. He can’t wait for Biden (His Senate colleague) to come to Ohio.
    What ralleys Trump had in OHIO, DeWine would not attend.
    45 years as a weak sister RINO, nothing has changed.

  2. That’s been the biggest problem with Trump. He kept supporting some of the worst. He keeps all his enemies surrounding him and doesn’t get good advice. He didn’t get rid of a single Obama holdover. Hope he doesn’t hold over the current ones. Especially, he better dump Nikki Haley. Trump is the last faction to save our country, let’s all pray he can save our country.

  3. Ohio has always been cursed with Demopublicans, and DeWhine is just in the Voinovich/West Chester Weeper Bohener/Kashich/Taft mold. Not one of them was actually any kind of conservative, and even with Republican majorities in the State House they ever govern from the left. DeWhine in particular had the RINO party destroy Jim Renacci (with the aid of vote splitter Joe Blystone) to maintain the fiction of “two parties” while simply buffering the slide into Communist tyranny while making no actual effort to stop it.

    Make no mistake, DeWhine IS a deliberately mislabeled Democrat,

    Anyone who thought otherwise should have the scales fall from their eyes with this veto.

    …of course, due to ballot shenanigans that also saw Ohio become a Constitutionally enshrined baby murder vacation destination, Ohio legalized recreational pot.

    Once the RHINOs finish their legislation that ensures only their politialcal friends can run the grow operations, we should be well on our way to being the next Colorado.

    Then DeWhine can stop lying and run as the Democrat he is.

    …the good news is, he’s pushing 80.

    Hopefully he can go explain his baby murdering, child mutilating, election cheating (defied the Ohio Supreme Court in 2020 to throw the Democrat primary in his buddy and fellow pedophiles’ Biden’s favor) ways to the One who WON’T be impressed by his political connections, and hook him up with the master of all Democrats in Hell where he belongs.

  4. Clearly, physically mutilating emotionally disturbed minor children is a priority for Mr. DeWine. This renders him unfit for office on its face, and suggests strongly that he is either genuinely mentally incompetent or one of the spawn of satan.

  5. From Anon, one of ’em anyway: “Trump is the last faction to save our country, let’s all pray he can save our country.”

    Trump is ONE man. We have a President in this country, not a dictator backed up by military death squads. The entire government structure hates Trump with a passion.

    How you figure one man can “save” our country? Might be time to rise from your knees praying and pick up a sword. Leaning on a shovel and praying for a hole has never worked before.


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