“I’m Not Going to go Into Details of a Private Conversation” – Psaki When Asked About Biden Pressuring Afghan President to Lie in Leaked Transcript – IOTW Report

“I’m Not Going to go Into Details of a Private Conversation” – Psaki When Asked About Biden Pressuring Afghan President to Lie in Leaked Transcript

Impeach 44 and 46.

GP: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday was confronted about Joe Biden’s leaked phone call with then-Afghan president Ghani.

On Tuesday, Reuters obtained leaked transcripts of Biden’s 14-minute, July 23rd call with Ashraf Ghani – the recently departed president of Afghanistan – before the Taliban completed their overthrow of the country.

Reuters obtained the transcripts and audio of Biden’s last phone call to Ghani – Intel is turning on Biden and leaking to the media.

Biden pressured Ghani to lie about the Taliban’s advances to downplay the crisis unfolding to ‘change perception’ about the terrorist faction’s gains in the region. more here

18 Comments on “I’m Not Going to go Into Details of a Private Conversation” – Psaki When Asked About Biden Pressuring Afghan President to Lie in Leaked Transcript

  1. “Law” is a means of oppression, not a search for justice.
    Disabuse yourselves of that quaint notion “equal before the law” because some are ABOVE the “law” – successful traitors and usurpers, for instance.

    Stolen elections have consequences.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. A President’s conversation with his cabinet, staff and advisors is private. But in any communications with a foreign leader, the President is acting as the 3rd branch of the federal government and cannot be considered “private”.

  3. all this “privacy” has a detrimental effect on our “free republic”.
    any and all government secrets should only be secrets to our enemies not the citizens.

    the only way those now in power will give it up is through violent action.
    Their violent actions against the citizens have proven that.

  4. @ LocoBlancoSaltine SEPTEMBER 2, 2021 AT 2:36 AM

    McConnell has been on the China Gravy Train for decades, the rest of the establishment Republicans are just as duplicitous and loathsome in their own ways. Some, like Romney and Ryan are beneath contempt.

  5. Dems suddenly don’t care about private calls between the President and a foreign government? I seem to recall that a phone call between Trump and Ukraine was used as the basis to investigate and impeach Trump, and Joe’s call was so much worse, so why the sudden disinterest?

  6. ‘private phone calls’
    ‘not going to go into details’
    why does congress want the ‘private phone calls’ to President Trump from Jan. 6?
    its 3 card malarkey, folks


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