“I’m Not Interested In What Happened” – Eleanor Holmes Rebuttal When Challenged on Hands Up Don’t Shoot Meme – IOTW Report

“I’m Not Interested In What Happened” – Eleanor Holmes Rebuttal When Challenged on Hands Up Don’t Shoot Meme

11 Comments on “I’m Not Interested In What Happened” – Eleanor Holmes Rebuttal When Challenged on Hands Up Don’t Shoot Meme

  1. Sean truly got under the skin of this DemonRat troll. Much like obstinate children these Rats are and I guess it’s appropriate since their constituencies are much the same way.

  2. All this from a lady when confronted with a button in a smart car that says “Do not Push-Emergency only” immediately pushes it.
    She couldn’t pour piss out of a sandal.

  3. Come on, now, guys. Of all the “narrative” talkers, she has been the only one to tell the truth about the left’s use of “hands up, don’t shoot.” She doesn’t care whether it’s the truth or not. Mike Brown’s death is merely a vehicle for black history. Kinda makes one wonder if Rosa Parks ever took the bus, doesn’t it?

  4. The democrat/progressive/liberal/radical/ narrative is continuously blaming everything bad in government on old white republicans.

    Eleanor Holmes and other dedicated racists are pretty obvious in their ignorance and agenda as seen in the video above.

    The other night on The Kelly File the congressman Al Green put himself out there as well.

    OT: Al Sharpton owes $4.5 million in taxes. He’s at the Whitehouse an awful lot. Oh well, maybe he’s just working off his tab.

  5. “I’m Not Interested In What Happened”

    That pretty much exemplifies the attitudes of the Media, the Demonrats, the Republicrats, and about 70% of all Americans on the subjects of:

    Staten Island
    Fast and Furious
    Vote Fraud
    $18Trillion in Debt
    ObamaCare Passage
    Gruber, Reid, Pelosi, & Obama Conspiracy to Commit Treason
    Stimulus Theft
    “Green Energy” Corruption
    Flood of Rat People
    Rise of the Caliphate
    Terrorism by CAIR, et. al.

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