I’m Not Mean, You’re Just a Sissy – IOTW Report

I’m Not Mean, You’re Just a Sissy

Good luck fighting the power with your posters.

Warning: SALTY Language, Bathes in liberal tears

29 Comments on I’m Not Mean, You’re Just a Sissy

  1. I saw a couple of other videos of hers. Sounds like she has been ‘right thinking’ for a while and can’t stand ‘ignorant niggers’, as she called them, because they’d rather focus on whining, bullshit like beyonce, BLM and shiny objects instead of focusing on careers and a stable paycheck.

  2. Smart, eloquent woman who speaks like I tend to do. I sent this to my whole e-mail list last week, but I got to tell ya that the little bunny on her shirt is kinda distracting….

  3. There you go again. Posting another black girl with common sense. Who appears to first see herself as an Amercan and not some hypenated-American.

    Profanity aside. I like her wordsmith. Demoncrats indeed.
    I like it. It’s a better name than DemoRats.
    But she held back a little with the choice of the s_ssy word instead of going with the p_ssy word.

  4. “It’s not that I think that all black people are stupid … it’s just that I think all fucking liberal people are stupid. And unfortunately a large percentage of you black people happen to be liberal. And, so all you fuckin’ liberal people are stupid & you will be stupid until you see the light. Ok?…. That’s just it.”

    …. frilliant!

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