‘I’m Really Jogging My Brain Here’: Dem Senate Candidate Can’t Name His Climate Policy Accomplishments – IOTW Report

‘I’m Really Jogging My Brain Here’: Dem Senate Candidate Can’t Name His Climate Policy Accomplishments

WFB: Wisconsin Democratic Senate candidate Mandela Barnes struggled on Tuesday to name any policies he helped implement as chairman of the state’s climate change board, telling an audience of college students at a climate change event that he would “need to get back to you” on that.

Barnes, who currently serves as state lieutenant governor, often touts his leadership position on the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change on the campaign trail. But he seemed caught by surprise when a student journalist asked him how many of the board’s policy proposals released in 2020 have actually been enacted, during an event on Wisconsin’s Climate Action Plan at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls on Tuesday.

“Of the 55 policy recommendations outlined by the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change report, how many have actually been successfully implemented?” asked one audience member during the question-and-answer session, who identified himself as a reporter with the university’s Student Voice newspaper.

Barnes appeared stumped as he shuffled through his notes, according to a video of the event posted by the Republican research firm America Rising. more here

9 Comments on ‘I’m Really Jogging My Brain Here’: Dem Senate Candidate Can’t Name His Climate Policy Accomplishments

  1. I can give several examples for him:

    1. Willing and ready to take bribes from Chinese solar panel manufacturers.

    2. Likes the idea of flying to Geneva on a private jet while the peasants freeze in the dark.

    3. The thought of 8 year old West African children slaving away in nickel mines gives him a rock hard stiffy.


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