“I’m Supposed To Be A Male Woman” – IOTW Report

“I’m Supposed To Be A Male Woman”

He’s offended by the Man upstairs.

h/t JDHasty.

8 Comments on “I’m Supposed To Be A Male Woman”

  1. People who hate God are offended by his Ten Commandments. That’s a big duh and has been ever since Moses came down from Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments. And until people become saved by God’s grace they will always be offended because they don’t believe, and trust God or think that God is a big myth or a celestial boogie man or party pooper. And the term male woman has to be one of the biggest lies and oxymorons ever. You’re either one or the other as created by God and can’t be both at the same time.

  2. This is something I have been pointing out for… .. . well, I know it has to be well over a decade now. It isn’t just the leaders of the progressive/Satanist movement, it is absolutely 100% a universality that each and every follower of the Marxist/progressive movement subscribes to. Once I recognized that the root motivation of Marxist/progressive/Satanists can always envy of God and the belief that they can improve on anything God designed and created it became clear to me how and why the “progressive” movement has inculcated and promoted a sense that envy is not a cardinal sin, but in fact a virtue to be cultivated and nurtured. Once this has been accomplished the end result, unless recognized and dealt with, results in resentment and the end result is another individual who believes they have a right to regain the rightful position that fate has cheated them out of.

    Sitting on a commuter train for a couple hours every day for 22 years has allowed me to quietly listen to conversations Marxist progs are having that on the surface would suggest a sincere and devoted interest in improving the condition of their fellow man. Nothing could be further from the truth. “Social justice,” is the euphemism they use the convince others, but listening and then critically deconstructing and examination of what was said always reveals their insincerity. Listen close and they almost always reveal where the motivation is coming from and it isn’t altruism.

    Yes, absolutely. They are offended by God, they think God has usurped their rightful position in the grand scheme of things.

    Never concede “good intentions” or sincerity to the bastards, since the very moment they threw in their lot with Satan they willingly joined the ranks of their fellow power mad narcissists and as a result have surrendered any capacity for concern for anyone other than themselves or for any degree of sincerity whatsoever.

  3. As with most things, I take an “Occams Razor” approach; man being flawed (lazy, selfish, and un-inquisitive) will invariably take the easy way out…….in ALL things.

    Choosing objective truth over relativism requires a certain obedience to discernment, the secular world lacks curiosity.

    Christianity, done right, requires discipline and a yearning to be worthy of that gift. It is not easy, nor was it meant to be. There are a lot of rules, a code of conduct, and a separation of worldly things. Many are not up to it.

    If given a choice, would the adolescent prefer a strict upbringing, house rules, discipline, and a surrender of authority to his parents, or would he prefer to do whatever he wants, eat whatever, go to bed whenever, and not be encumbered by burdensome constraints? That is the choice we have but it is a choice offered by a loving God to all of us.

  4. Satan thought he should be God.
    Nihilistic totalitarians think they should be God.
    Marx, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Kim, Lenin, Trotsky, and all other socialists, thought that they should be God.

    There is no God but God. There can be no God but God.

    Those who accrete power on Earth to make the lives of men miserable are Hell-bound minions of Satan, proudly selling their souls into Darkness and Despair for an infinitesimal period (considering Eternity) of rule characterized by oppression, hatred, envy, war, famine, pestilence, death, and misery.

    God is just.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @JDHasty: “Listen close and they almost always reveal where the motivation is coming from and it isn’t altruism.”

    That is a true statement. It can be directly pointed at people like Sam Bankman-Fried whose total motive was to scam people out of believing in altruism. Both him and his mother fully embraced altruism. They have since discovered it was one big mistake. Liberals profited, so, they’re not really that upset – except for knowing they’re going to spend the rest of their life in prison. Fools sacrificed themselves for Satan. While I wish that every soul could be saved, there’s some that would not be happy being in heaven or in the presence of our Creator, Lord and Savior.

  6. In 12th grade, 1967, my biology lab partner Bill told me that his dad – a prominent psychiatrist – predicted that western culture was beginning a profound sex role reversal which would disrupt society in a few decades.

    Looks like he won that office pool.

  7. @ Tim – FJB MARCH 8, 2023 AT 5:00 PM

    One of the big fallacies is that Marx was an atheist. That couldn’t be more wrong. Marx believed in God and envied God. He believed himself to be worthy of the powers of God and had been unjustly denied his rightful place. There isn’t a single solitary “progressive” who does not hold the same view. Not one.


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