I’m sure it’s just a coincidence – IOTW Report

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence

China warns US of ‘consequences’ if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s scheduled visit to Taiwan was met with a fierce response from China, which warned of “strong measures” if the U.S. refuses to cancel the trip.

Pelosi was reportedly set to visit Taiwan on Sunday as part of her planned trip to Japan this weekend, but both Pelosi’s office and the Taiwanese government have yet to release an official confirmation.

Pelosi’s upcoming trip to Japan is now delayed as the House speaker has tested positive for COVID-19. A spokesperson for Pelosi said she was asymptomatic and received a vaccine and booster shot.

19 Comments on I’m sure it’s just a coincidence

  1. In politics there are NO coincidences, NO paradoxes, and NO unintended consequences.

    Politics are decisions by rational(?) human beings based on some given set of facts. The CoVid Hoax is a hoax – and nobody knows that better than Pelosi. The ancient scrumbag has some calculus of which we are unaware. Perhaps Taiwan didn’t agree to her price? Or Biden’s cut? Who knows? Her negotiators, for sure, and herself. You can bet there’s a payoff – which could be from the Mainland, considering the “Biden Connection.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Strong measures, I’m bigly scared! But just not bigly scared enough. I’m going & you can just watch me. I think it’s time for some more war games in the south china sea.


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