Imagine Your Wallets… – IOTW Report

Imagine Your Wallets…


We Just got a Taste of Kamala Harris Crashing Our Economy. –Salty Cracker’s short take.

17 Comments on Imagine Your Wallets…

  1. I follow an economist on Instagram that’s been predicting this for 6 months. And he predicted it would start in the Asian Market. His premise is that as soon as the NWO figured out Trump couldn’t be beat they’d tank the market. It’ll be interesting to see what it does for the rest of the week. He thinks it will continue a slow spiral.

  2. This is my only hope. Kansas has a Lotto that starts at 150K and is now at 2.65 million. It’s ripe for me winning it. I trust that I will….There will be signs….

  3. General Malaise

    As an American Manufacturer I’ll tell you we don’t need any of their junk and it’s unwise to rely on your enemy for anything. (like pharmaceuticals) And believe me, they are our enemy.

  4. This stinks of market manipulation, not a simple correction.

    It’s a little early for this to impact the election…unless this is just the start of an avalanche of collapses.

    The Left falsified official economic reports to get Clinton elected, and tanked the global economy to get Obama elected. With the existing poll numbers, I shudder to think what they have planned.

    They are already telegraphing that they will block Trump’s inauguration, but they will need to control the House first. Oh yeah, right, they already do control the House.

  5. ^^^^^ And that’s when shit get real, Jamie Raskin should rethink what he’s wishing for because he’s severely underestimated his enemy. The stupid socialist fuck.

  6. The Demos can’t block anything. When was Trump (or anybody, for that matter) charged with insurrection. Raskin’s another Chuckie, shooting off his mouth to get his ugly mug on TV.

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