Immigration to America Is Not What It Used to Be – IOTW Report

Immigration to America Is Not What It Used to Be


Speaking at a naturalization ceremony in Texas on March 18, former President George W. Bush said immigration to America “is a blessing and a strength.” He also said that “borders need to be respected,” and praised the work of border patrol agents, but that’s not what the media seized upon.

The Washington Post inserted “blessing and strength” into the lead of its story, headlined “George W. Bush: ‘May we never forget that immigration is a blessing and a strength’,” also working into the first sentence the following dig at Donald Trump: “a message that sharply contrasts with President Trump’s rhetoric on the issue.”

CNN Politics covered the speech, making sure to note “the rhetoric and policy positions from Bush came in contrast to much of the modern Republican Party and President Donald Trump.” The BBC said, “Mr Bush’s comments were seen as an implicit rebuke to President Donald Trump’s administration.”

And on and on. CBS News: “Bush urges politicians to ‘dial down rhetoric’ on immigration.” The Boston Globe: “described immigration as ‘a blessing and a strength,’ a message that sharply contrasts with President Trump’s rhetoric on the issue.” People: “it was a soft rebuke of the prevailing anti-immigrant position of some members of the Republican Party, including President Donald Trump.”

Get it? George W. Bush has won his grim battle with history. Various photos showed him inviting dozens of new citizens up to the podium, including Muslims in headscarves, Hispanics, and Africans. Apparently including anyone of European descent would have been bad optics.

And never mind that if Bush II hadn’t bombed, invaded and occupied Iraq, the Middle East might be relatively stable today. Iraq, for all its problems, would nonetheless provide a strategic counterweight to Iran. We would have saved trillions of dollars and spared millions of lives, and additional millions of refugees would have stayed home.

What’s Really Happening
The problem with all this media-spun anti-Trump “wisdom” from Bush is simple: President Trump is right, and the spin is wrong.

It is true that America was enriched in the past by waves of new immigrants. It is true that in the past, these waves of new immigrants benefited the economy. And it is true that even now, if immigration were brought under control, reduced somewhat, and reformed so that only highly skilled immigrants with a commitment to learning English were vetted and admitted, it would again be beneficial to our economy and enrich our culture. But that’s not what’s happening.

11 Comments on Immigration to America Is Not What It Used to Be

  1. This is coming from the one former President who could have sealed our county’s borders and enforced the existing immigration laws after 9/11. Instead, we got “Islam is a Religion of Peace” and an invasion of Iraq because Saddam Huissen “tried to kill my Dad.” He’s a Clinton lover and an Obama apologist.

  2. Legal Immigration is a blessing, a strength, and love. It brings talent and a willingness to work and get involved in America.

    Illegal immigration is a curse. It only brings disease, criminality, and horror to our communities. Illegals will never
    join America and be Americans.

  3. I was with my wife during her citizenship ceremony in 2008. There were around seventy-five people being granted their citizenship that day along with her. My wife and one woman from Canada were the only two white people in the whole bunch. I could have done without he other white woman as I heard her tell someone that she worked for the Tides Foundation and she was married to a liberal college professor. I guess it’s the old “Whites Need Not Apply” routine as far as immigration.

  4. I just love how liberals love Bush these days.

    Bush needs to keep his damn mouth shut and go back into hiding like he was doing for 8 years.
    His fumbling self gave us Obama just like his fumbling Daddy gave us Clinton.

  5. Hambone, so true. Glad to know your wife made it! Immigration law was changed in 1965 to let in the third world types and to keep out the more qualified and independently capable ones who could and would contribute beneficially to the country’s welfare. My own ancestors were immigrants from Western Europe and came in healthy and able. Their intention was to work hard and to live honorable, productive lives; bringing up their children to do the same. They were glad to be able to have the opportunity to be in America. For them it was a future they could not have had from where they came. Having Christian values made assimilating easier, but not easy, mainly because of the initial language differences. Learning English was the priority to be accepted as quickly as possible. So their languages were traded for English in the home, at school, and at work.

  6. Nicolae Ceaușescu was beloved by the presstitutes. For a while. He was beloved by the people. For a while. It’s nice that George W. Bush has never committed any economic sabotage. Nor genocide. Or, at least, it’s nice that once America’s military is bought, they stay bought, against the people.


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