Impeachment Hearings a Ratings Dud – IOTW Report

Impeachment Hearings a Ratings Dud

– Now Most Oppose Impeachment

9 Comments on Impeachment Hearings a Ratings Dud

  1. Two groups of people care. Deep Stater’s and anti Deep Stater’s. Maybe 10-15% of the population. The rest turn on cnnmsnbcabccbsnbcfox or some LaRaza station, or most likely nothing at all as far as news goes. Collectively we are too stupid to give a damn. I might be more optimistic tomorrow, right now I’m disgusted. A guy we had expectations in, Bill Barr, appears to be a deep stater in sheep’s clothing. WTF, a perfect storm of screwups? Is Trump all by himself in DC?

  2. It’s hard to imagine 12.7 million people had nothing better to do than watch this drivel. Let me guess, it’s the end of the month and they’ve spent their welfare checks, and just came home from the store with snacks they bought with their SNAP cards.

  3. @Cmn¢¢guy November 23, 2019 at 1:46 am

    > Let me guess, it’s the end of the month and they’ve spent their welfare checks

    How dare you!?
    It’s not welfare!
    They earned that somebody else’s money!

  4. Regardless of how many people are watching this mess I’m amazed that 43% are favoring impeachment. There’s no evidence of any law breaking by Trump (that I can see) so I wonder just how (and I’m sorry to say this) educated on the subject the voters are. How many realize that if the vote in Congress is for impeachment then there will be a trial in the Senate and unlike Clinton where actual laws were broken Trump is guilty of nothing. In fact, even if he told the Ukrainian President to start up the investigation again and to pay special attention to the Biden’s, people ought to realize that’s would he should do. You can’t have these corruption rumors swirling around a Vice-President of the United States (and a candidate for the Democrat Party nomination for President) and not investigate them.

    I understand that things are polarized down there but surely there are the moderate Dems that understand this. Having said that we have Justin Trudeau who tried to illegally use his position to influence a corruption trial just get elected to another term and not face any real investigation so maybe I’ll just keep quiet.

  5. @scr_north November 23, 2019 at 7:29 am

    > Regardless of how many people are watching this mess I’m amazed that 43% are favoring impeachment. There’s no evidence of any law breaking

    That’s the point. Maybe you just don’t want to see it? Maybe 57% of the proles don’t want to “see” it?

    Impeachment is The Rule of Law, at it’s distilled quintessence. There is no “rule”. There is no “law”. It is a political show. To see what we can get away with, today.

    It is Nuremberg (2019). None dare dub it a “reboot”.

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