Impeachment Inquiry Witless Gordon Sondland: Jeb!, McCain, Romney Donor and Never Trumper – IOTW Report

Impeachment Inquiry Witless Gordon Sondland: Jeb!, McCain, Romney Donor and Never Trumper

Oopsy. “Impeachment inquiry witness”.

Breitbart: U.S. Ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland emerged as the Democrats’ key witness in the impeachment inquiry last week, testifying that President Donald Trump had offered Ukraine a “quid pro quo”: a White House meeting in exchange for investigations of 2016 election interference and Burisma, a company tied to the Bidens.

Sondland was widely described as a Trump donor who bought his way to an ambassadorship, only to dump Trump to save himself.

But the facts are somewhat more complicated. Sondland never actually donated to Trump’s presidential campaign. In fact, he donated to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

“Gordon Sondland, the chairman of Provenance Hotels and a big supporter of the extended Bush family … gave $2,700 to the early favorite to capture the GOP nomination, Jeb Bush, and $22,000 to Bush’s super PAC, Right to Rise, last cycle, but none to Trump,” reported.

Sondland had also backed Mitt Romney and John McCain — and had also supported various Democratic politicians. more here

8 Comments on Impeachment Inquiry Witless Gordon Sondland: Jeb!, McCain, Romney Donor and Never Trumper

  1. This is what going off the gold standard buys after fifty years of inflation. A million bucks is only worth about $143,000 in gold backed dollars. Ambassador Sondland wouldn’t have rated an appointment to Haiti or Samoa in Nixon’s day.

  2. Anonymous NOVEMBER 24, 2019 AT 11:52 AM
    “Out of curiosity, how many of the witnesses that have been called so far could be considered impartial?”

    …about as many as could even actually be legitimately referred to, under REAL courtroom rules of evidence, as “Witnesses”…

    Ballentine’s Law Dictionary
    One with sufficient knowledge of a matter to testify in regard to it.”'s%20Law%20Dictionary%3A%202nd%20Edition,at%20and%20observes%20a%20transaction.

    …yep, that would be “none” for BOTH…

  3. Sondland was great! I watched his (latest) “testimony” and the man was perfect – the morons supporting the hoax couldn’t get him to say anything other than “I presumed …” and a solid declaration that President Trump wanted “Nothing! Nothing! No Quid Pro Quo, no nothing! Do what he was elected to do!”

    I don’t care to whom he donated – when called upon to play pimp and lie, he refused and stuck to the facts.
    God Bless him.

    izlamo delenda est …


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