Impeachment Keeps Becoming Less Popular – IOTW Report

Impeachment Keeps Becoming Less Popular

The House of Representatives is set to vote on the two articles of impeachment brought against President Donald Trump this week, and the consensus is that they’ll pass in the House before inevitably failing in a Senate where they need 67 votes.

Impeachment is destined to fail – but at least Democrats have rallied voters, right? Of course not.  The political theater Democrats created has been rightly identified by the American public as such, and rejected. Just last week alone Trump raised $10 million, more than every single Democrat 2020 candidate except four raised in the entire last quarter. MORE

Swing Voters Reveal They are Sticking with Trump in 2020.

When asked how they would feel if President Trump were impeached and removed from office, voters responded that they would feel frustrated, “disappointed,” “sad,” “angry,” “shocked” and “confused.”

Most Voters Believe Trump Was Targeted, Want Jail Time or Other Consequences.

Within hours of the IG reports publication, James Comey tweeted out a Washington Post article he wrote proclaiming his own exoneration. “So it was all lies. No treason. No spying on the campaign. No tapping Trumps wires. It was just good people trying to protect America,” he captioned the tweet. In his article he does mention the surveillance of Carter Page, but doesn’t acknowledge the IG report finding any misconduct there.

His tune was a bit different yesterday when he joined Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. Comey admitted to being “overconfident” in his defense of the FBI’s use of the FISA process, and that what happened “was not acceptable.” Of the seventeen significant errors  Michael Horowitz details in the IG report, Comey says “He’s right, I was wrong.”

12 Comments on Impeachment Keeps Becoming Less Popular

  1. I read somewhere that there is a law still on the books that upon an acquittal of a President on impeachment the Supreme Court can add up to 3 years to the current term. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the pants?

  2. The insane congressional haters are going to continue impeachment “investigation” after Trump is declared innocent in the Senate. It will end when Rs take back the House.

  3. Think of all the books, movies and TV shows with a plot involving misusing the law in a vindictive way. The person with the power screwing someone over. There must be hundreds of thousands at this point. The reason it’s such a reoccurring theme is that people feel strongly about unfairness. They hate it. And especially nobody likes to see injustice within the same legal system that they themselves live under. It is deeply unsettling. It galls people. This is going to permanently turn a lot of people off to the democrats.

  4. VA7 congressional representative Abigail Spanberger, former deep state employee of Barack Obama’s CIA director and admitted voter for Communist Party Presidential candidate Gus Hall. (Born Arvo Kustaa Halberg) has come out in favor of impeachment

    She has since heard from me. Essentially, I will donate, door knock and phone call in order to retire her. Also said that the only reason she was ever elected is because obama’s judges carved conservatives out of Dave Brat’s district.




  5. Fox news radio yesterday breathlessly reported that their latest poll showed more Americans favored impeachment and removal from office. Reporterette sounded almost giddy.

  6. No one has any doubts what the Democrats, actually all Leftists, are really like now.

    Everyone has been forced to show their true nature, what they really are, since Trump became President.

    No one can hide themselves now, everything is coming out in the open.

  7. Unpopular, completely unfair and is also ridiculously expensive to we, the taxpayers. Weeks ago I heard President Trump mention it has cost us something like $25 million for this sham impeachment. My loathing for leftists has exponentially increased.


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