Impeachment Witness Pamela Karlan Apologizes After Outrage Over Barron Trump Comment – IOTW Report

Impeachment Witness Pamela Karlan Apologizes After Outrage Over Barron Trump Comment

Zero Hedge:

Update: Stanford University Professor Pamela Karlan apologized on Wednesday after receiving sharp rebuke for mentioning President Trump’s 13-year-old son, Barron Trump.

No apology from an angry partisan would be complete, however, without a new attack in the same breath…

I want to apologize for what I said earlier about the president’s son. It was wrong of me to do that. I wish the president would apologize, obviously, for the things that he’s done that’s wrong, but I do regret having said that,” she said. read more

31 Comments on Impeachment Witness Pamela Karlan Apologizes After Outrage Over Barron Trump Comment

  1. This is the kind of idiot who teaches our kids. No wonder they are so screwed up. Why have parents allowed people like her to have anything to do with their kids? She should be slinging hash in South Chicago.

  2. … for all the things he’s done wrong.
    Name one, bitch!
    Every, single one of those disingenuous, sleazy, slimy rat-bastards sat on their hands when Gaetz gave them the opportunity to to raise their hands if they have direct fact knowledge of ANYTHING in the Schiff impeachment report!

  3. Baron: Title of European nobility

    Barron: The name of President Trump’s youngest child.

    Barren: The status of the moral and intellectual reservoir of that Marxist faux-Jew, dyke piece of shit Karlan.

  4. @Claudia December 5, 2019 at 12:05 pm

    > She is only sorry that she got blowback

    Doubtful she regrets, even, that. It’s another opportunity to screech “Look at me! Look at ME! LOOK AT ME!”

  5. If you look at the level of satisfaction in her eyes, when she finished and sat back, it was as if she was at one of her elitist cocktail parties and wanted approval from fellow sycophants for the snarky smart ass comment.

    Also, her use of the work ‘him’ describing the POTUS, was said in an exmtremely pejorative way. It’s so easy to ANALyze these people…

  6. I don’t believe anything the professor says. She lied about being a snarky, bisexual, Jewish woman. There is absolutely no proof that this snarky lesbian has been an active member of the bisexual deviant community. If there is a man ensnarled in this snarky woman’s last couple of decades of sexual activity, let him step forward and claim the prize. Professor Karlan is not a Baroness, she a Barren Mess suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  7. The only good thing is that hopefully Baron is hearing all of this.. waiting..watching..patiently taking mental notes growing up and holding a hell of a grudge against these people and when the time is right.. hehhehheh. I guarantee he won’t forget.

  8. Nobody DARED to make a comment or criticize the rent-a-daughters, Malaria and Sushi for eight years lest they be accused of being mean spirited and R A C I S T. Very little was ever said about Amy Carter or Chelsea Clinton while they were in the WH although the Bushie twins were fair game, remember?

  9. Why is it that the Left produces such hideously ugly women.
    That Goblin probably swims down in dark water in lakes, and eats one child for every insult the cruel villagers gave her back in medieval times when she was young.

  10. Melania should reply “Apology NOT Accepted.”
    But Melania is too classy for that…. and that is why she is The First LADY….
    and being a lady is what that bitch can never attain.

  11. This person is all the more reason that Tenure needs to be eliminated in all schools that receive any form of federal funding. This includes tax deduction for donations going to private education establishments.

  12. I’m late to this party, but this woman(?) is why we call them “the lunatic Left.” Also, I just read a headline (Whatfinger?) that 50% of college students in a recent poll said that at least one of their professors has gone on an anti-Trump rant in their classroom.


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