Importers Panicking About Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act – IOTW Report

Importers Panicking About Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

PJM: U.S. importers are starting to panic about the coming implementation of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. The act is designed to prevent any products built with forced labor from China from being sold in the U.S.

But government agencies who were supposed to have published guidance on how companies can comply with the act have been negligent about coming up with the new rules. So importers are in the dark about whether the products they want to bring in from overseas meet the requirements of the law.

The law gives certain agencies the authority to seize any product deemed to have been manufactured using forced Uyghur labor. With supply chains already a mess, the delay in giving companies timely and adequate guidance to ensure that they follow the law. more

5 Comments on Importers Panicking About Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

  1. …but the seizure qualifications are left intentionally vauge. Democrats want laws to mean whatever they SAY they mean at any given time, with enforcement absent or extreme as desired, to produce the political outcome they seek.

    This, like everything else Democrats do, is about punishing their enemies and rewarding their friends. “Wiggers” are just the excuse, they could give a shit about them otherwise.

  2. Interesting how the democrats-left-liberals have no problems with cruelly abusing and forcing into slavery those who are vulnerable and have been subject to monstrous atrocities. After all, democrats created the race-hating Ku Klux Klan (1800s) which Joe Biden the daughter-molester remains an associate of, while they falsely claim to have freed slaves. They left out the part where it was the Republican Party who freed the slaves on June 19, 1865.

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