Imran Awan Allegedly Tried ‘To Hide His Money’ While DOJ Negotiates With Him – IOTW Report

Imran Awan Allegedly Tried ‘To Hide His Money’ While DOJ Negotiates With Him

DC:  Embattled former Democratic IT aide Imran Awan has as recently as weeks ago attempted to get someone to create an LLC to hide the ownership of real estate, and two people to buy a $40,000 gold bar for him, sources told The Daily Caller News Foundation. This while his lawyer has told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Imran “doesn’t have a pot to piss in.”  more

16 Comments on Imran Awan Allegedly Tried ‘To Hide His Money’ While DOJ Negotiates With Him

  1. From TDCNF article: “It is unclear what the “New Dawn” in 2001 was; the company was created in 2011.”
    Wonder what happend in 2001 that this guy might consider a “New Dawn”?
    Any guesses?

  2. The government shouldn’t leave him with a teacup to pi** in either. Guess he’s not considered a flight risk to some 3rd world sh*tho*le he came from?

    Another outstanding citizen linked to the religion of pea*ce.

  3. Nothing is going to happen to anyone who’s a part of the Democrats dynasty. The DOJ and the FBI are now in their hands, best of luck getting Justice to go after their friends or associates, its not going to happen. Trump is finding out first hand who’s actually holding the reins of the Washington pony show.

  4. I’m still convinced that this maggot was allowed to worm his way deep into a position where he had opportunity to pilfer sensitive information because he hustled DWS who became smitten and protected him. That butt ugly woman was used by this guy for purposes of espionage.

  5. While the DOJ negotiates with him???? Put his sorry ass in a Six by Eight and let him think about negotiating. Give me freaking break. Since when does DOJ negotiate?


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