Imran Awan’s attny says he shouldn’t get jail time because everyone was mean to him – IOTW Report

Imran Awan’s attny says he shouldn’t get jail time because everyone was mean to him

DC: An attorney filed a sentencing memo on behalf of former House IT aide Imran Awan, claiming that President Donald Trump, other Republicans, and “conspiratorial media” attacks serve as a sufficient substitute for jail time for his client’s bank fraud conviction.

Attorney Chris Gowen, a former aide to Hillary Clinton, argued to Judge Tanya Chutkan, a President Barack Obama-appointee, that Imran should be spared jail, in part because of Trump, who engaged in “incoherent rambling” about the former IT aide.

“Considering … the conduct of several government officials, including the president of the United States, Imran Awan respectfully requests this court to sentence him to time served with a fine of $4,004,” Gowen wrote in the sentencing memo filed Wednesday.

Imran pleaded guilty to lying on a loan application on July 3. He was also banned from the House network in February 2017 after congressional investigators alleged he made “unauthorized access” to House computers and other cyber violations, but faced no charges related to this.

Awan will be sentenced on Tuesday and prosecutors have only asked for probation.

Gowen claimed not a single problem with Imran’s Capitol Hill conduct was found.

After an investigation by the House Inspector General concluded that Imran made the “unauthorized access,” the House’s top law enforcement officer wrote that the former IT aide is “an ongoing and serious risk to the House of Representatives, possibly threatening the integrity of our information systems.”

Gowen suggested that Trump, Republicans and the media were responsible for Imran losing his Capitol Hill job, despite that the former IT aide was banned from the House computer network immediately following the internal investigation and before anyone outside of a small cadre on Capitol Hill knew about it.

“The 18 months of insane media attention and false public accusations against Imran unfairly cost Imran his job (not one accusation about Imran’s work on the Hill has been sustained),” the sentencing memo read.

But the Capitol Police said in a July 3, 2018 statement: “After finding numerous violations of House IT internal controls during the course of its investigation, the United States Capitol Police referred these findings back to House officials for administrative action.”  more here

9 Comments on Imran Awan’s attny says he shouldn’t get jail time because everyone was mean to him

  1. And he wants to flag a victim card? Debbie should be the one! Surprised that she did not sue and win the case after chasing the bus as a child and lost. The rest of this sad news I did not read, no offense MJA, just expected what ever it is, it is,,,

  2. This is the type of thing that demonstrates the true meaning of TRAVESTY. That word isn’t used too much, but in this case, it is appropriate.
    it is a travesty of justice.

    This guy is guilty of so many things, but he has all the ‘dirt’ on just about all of congress, so, like the clintons, he won’t be charged, for fear of his outing everyone.
    Sessions isn’t recused from anything to do with this degenerate, and yet he remains silent and inactive.

  3. Is AG jeff sessions shadow banned?
    I don’t see anything from him, and was just wondering.
    it would explain a lot. Maybe someone should check. It could be that simple.
    oh- asking for a friend.

  4. He is a clear case of someone who needs to be waterboarded ASAP.
    Once he is gone so is all he knows. Eric Prince needs to follow him and pick him up. They will get him to talk.

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