In 1988, four Mexican military troops with automatic weapons ‘invaded’ San Diego. I was there. – IOTW Report

In 1988, four Mexican military troops with automatic weapons ‘invaded’ San Diego. I was there.

AT: On Sunday, March 13, 1988, at 10:25 P.M., four Mexican military troops wearing camouflage uniforms and brandishing automatic weapons penetrated a mile and a half into U.S. territory south of San Diego, Calif. Their entry point was an unfenced stretch of beach that separated Playas de Tijuana (Tijuana Beach), Mexico from Imperial Beach, Calif. Within sight of the first group of American residential condominiums at the end of Seacoast Drive in Imperial Beach, the Mexicans accosted a group of a dozen Americans who were picnicking on the beach, pointing their loaded machine guns at the picnickers and ordering them to lie flat on the ground.

Before the tense situation could escalate any further, the group was spooked by a U.S. Border Patrol helicopter that spotted the incursion and landed on the beach. The Mexicans headed south but were arrested and taken into custody before they could reach the border. The American picnickers scattered into the night.

The local media got hold of the story the next day and it became a dramatic local lead story for about six hours. San Diego’s three network television affiliates began reporting the “invasion,” as two of them termed it, on their 5 P.M. newscasts on Monday, March 14. The story was also reported in print, in the San Diego Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, and in several Associated Press accounts.  MORE

8 Comments on In 1988, four Mexican military troops with automatic weapons ‘invaded’ San Diego. I was there.

  1. I remember in about 1982 I worked at a radio station that carried Jack Anderson Reports from the Mutual Network. He reported that a number of Mexican Army Troops came into the US and raised havoc.

    Nothing was done then. Nothing has been done after the incidents since then. Nothing is being done about the Mexican government’s facilitating the illegal migrant invention now and their other intrusions.

    It is time that changed. If Mexico and Central America want to be part of the United States that badly, we ought to just take them over and make it so. Then let us see how leftists say how important borders are.

  2. The Pentagon has no intention of stationing armed troops at the border to protect the USA. What Trump has said would be done, is not being done. The illegals are an invasion of enemy forces and should be dealt with as such. If the US Military is capable of being aggressive in other countries then it has the capability to be aggressive at the border.
    Just do it!! Here is a helpful suggestion, and it is no joke:

    THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2019
    Mr. Trump this is a Flesh Filleting Border Wall
    This is Police chief Ivan Stoyanov, with his 5 foot wide, 15 feet high and THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF TURKISH BORDER, a razor wire fence that fillets Muslims to shreds. It keeps out 500 invaders a month. The number being low is even Muslims learn that dying to get into Bulgaria is a bad idea.

  3. “Bahdgezz? Bahdgezz? We don neeed no steenkeen bahdgezz!”

    Life imitates “art”…

    No one seems to remember whose side Mexico was partial to in WW1 and WW2 either. Nor do they remember that invaders were shot at the border by our side during the late ’40s and early ’50s. ”

    “Heestory? Heestory? We don need no steenkeen heestory!”.


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