In 2013, Trump called Schneiderman worse than Spitzer and Weiner – IOTW Report

In 2013, Trump called Schneiderman worse than Spitzer and Weiner


Daily Caller: New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman allegedly called an ex-girlfriend his “brown slave” during sex and would sometimes slap her until she called him “master,” according to a Monday The New Yorker report.

Tanya Selvaratnam’s  that her yearlong affair with Schneiderman quickly became violent in the bedroom, she told The New Yorker magazine. Four women have come forward and accused the New York Democrat of physical violence and death threats.

“Sometimes, he’d tell me to call him Master, and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said. “He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”  read more


See also:

Trump Predicted The Fall Of New York AG In 2013: ‘Wait And See’.

Daily Caller: Before he even announced his intent to seek the Republican presidential nomination, Donald Trump predicted the downfall of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman all the way back in 2013.

Comparing Schneiderman to disgraced former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner and former Democratic New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, both of whom resigned from their respective positions after sex scandals, Trump claimed that Schneiderman was worse than both of them.  read more

19 Comments on In 2013, Trump called Schneiderman worse than Spitzer and Weiner

  1. The NYer article was quite good. My guess is that they may have an ulterior motive for printing it. Perhaps the bigger dem pol creeps want it to look like they are cleaning house. They are sacrificing by eating their own kind. Who’s next.
    Mueller recently hooked up with Eric Frankenstein for something. Ha, ha.

  2. His “brown slave”, eh?
    Come on Media, defend it. Act like it’s not a big deal. Tell us how it’s just bedroom talk and it’s no one’s business. Call these women bimbos and trailer trash. Hillary, tell em how you believe them over your friend. We’re waiting.

  3. @ Charliewalksonwater

    I intimated similar in one of my comments. I wondered who was Eric’s cleaner upper. No wonder he is so pro abortion. Women need to kill his spawn, and someone has to pay them off.

  4. once again Trump is proven correct after being dismissed by the msm !

    the rino’s who allow themselves to be marginalized by the msm and remain quiet, never attacking the left make me sick !

  5. The Democrats wasted NO TIME in trying to clear this guy and his controversies off the books before we are full bore into the election season.
    The timing could have been a little better. If this was exposed in August or September this would have helped the election causes even more.
    It would counter whatever evil plans Mueller has for releasing whatever damaging info his kangaroo team supposedly has in September.
    Don’t let this die.

  6. So it looks like Schneiderman got caught doing what Democrats all through history have done best….

    Slap and choke brown slave girls until they cry “Yes Masser”.

    Who’s surprised? Not me. That’s just typical racist, sexist Demonrat behavior. Thank God I’m not a racist, sexist Demonrat.


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