In 2024- Congress funneled $516 Billion into expired programs, some dating back over 40 years – IOTW Report

In 2024- Congress funneled $516 Billion into expired programs, some dating back over 40 years

h/t SaltyCracker

18 Comments on In 2024- Congress funneled $516 Billion into expired programs, some dating back over 40 years

  1. That money didn’t evaporate; it ended up in people’s bank accounts.
    Certainly not mine, not yours either. But certain, connected people. It isn’t random, isn’t just stupidity.

  2. ^^^^^
    Exactly. I’ll bet there’s a paper trail and these people need to be prosecuted. Going to be a fun 4 years considering it’s only been a little over two weeks.

  3. Let’s recommission Alcatraz. Except for locks and plumbing, no refurbishment. Let the new inmates do the cleanup if they’re so inclined. I’d like video clips of Miss Lindsay G. scraping 60 years of mold off his cell walls.

  4. Stephen Miller said today that Medicaid had been going to illegals. States need to be punished for that.
    President Trump said illegals have been receiving social security.
    California says boys will continue allowing boys to play girls’ sports. More and more schools in other blue states are saying the same.
    By the time DOGE is done along with all the money we won’t be giving to schools, we might actually have a balanced budget.

  5. All the politicians who serve numerous terms and tow the party line, or in the case of republicans
    tow both, leave office multi millionaires on $174+ thousand a year while usually having a residence or rental in some of the most expensive real estate in the country.

    I think I have an idea where a good portion of that money goes.

  6. Different Tim has it. I think we’ve just definitively answered the question of how a stint in the U.S. Congress guarantees mega-wealth off a relatively average salary.

  7. This is the beauty of the Continuing Resolutions vs passing a budget. If it was funded last year, it’s funded this year. Plus the 3 to 7 percent increase baked in by a cute little thing called Baseline Budgeting most people don’t know exists.

  8. Lowell.
    That’s where the erection year promised “Tax Cuts” came from if they were implemented at all. It was a small reduction in the percentage of the baked in tax increase every year but never an actual tax cut. i.e. A 20% tax cut would be 1% of the yearly 5%

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