In A New Bid To Push H-1B Program, Microsoft Manufactures Claim U.S. Students Can’t Hack It In Tech – IOTW Report

In A New Bid To Push H-1B Program, Microsoft Manufactures Claim U.S. Students Can’t Hack It In Tech

DailyCaller: Leaching off last week’s DNC Convention, tech industry-behemoths Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon hosted a mini-conference amidst the gathering elite aimed at building awareness of the supposed lack of tech-education among America’s youth. The policy-push comes off Microsoft’s ‘National Talent Strategy’ hatched a few years back; an initiative which the company’s own general counsel apparently admitted was nothing but a ‘manufactured crisis’ really geared to serve the industry’s H-1B immigration agenda. Indeed, if America really did have an ‘education crisis’ in the STEM-fields, why do so many of the hundreds of thousands of H-1B professionals imported here every year come from places that do far worse educationally than we do?

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14 Comments on In A New Bid To Push H-1B Program, Microsoft Manufactures Claim U.S. Students Can’t Hack It In Tech

  1. It may be a con job now but when you watch what’s happening on US campus’s now with the SJW, the screaming about white privilege, safe spaces, banning speakers from campus, firing teachers because they don’t toe the line etc etc it could very well be true within 10 years.

  2. Maybe if we stopped dumbing down our schools with liberal policies (including ruining white middle class schools with section 8), and stopped demanding that companies hire x amount of non whites, we wouldn’t have this problem. We are in a situation where companies find they can avoid hiring blacks by hiring 10 indentured servants on h1b visas from India. They aren’t white, right? And they STFU and do what they are told , and brown up the office nicely so that folks with an average IQ one standard deviation below that of the general population . Avoid reality that way.

  3. I guess the Bay Area’s changed a lot. A couple years back no body would have classified a Microsoft code writer as a Tech Job. That was all PVD technology and Cisco type stuff. Maybe Microsoft should try a couple American employees. Maybe their product wouldn’t suck so bad.

  4. What they really mean is that, at the price they WANT to pay, there is too much competition with other high tech jobs, like, trash collection, waiting tables, bartending, etc. I’ve seen MANY MANY jobs I could spin circles around at Mr. Softy, and they don’t even give me an interview. I think they BEGIN by checking my “diversity” questionnaire.

    Plus, I don’t wear the uniform: Brand new designer jeans with sport coat, colored shirt, no tie, Vans, no socks, and (Required) manpurse. These metrosexual misfits are everywhere at their events.

  5. Nobama,
    I can’t answer for most of that “uniform”, I like comfort in my clothes. But I do carry the manpurse. But the first idjit that comes up and calls me a “metro” is going to find him(her)self with a nostril full of pistol. My particular carry is a “turse” (tactical purse). A way to carry concealed without being obvious, or weighing down the belt and hip.

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