In Biden’s America, A Golden Age For Scammers – IOTW Report

In Biden’s America, A Golden Age For Scammers


These are grim times for Americans who work for a living, but it’s shaping up as a golden age for one privileged class of Democrats – scam artists.

These COVID handouts – some euphemistically called “infrastructure” bills – are like blowing a dog whistle for every grifter, flim-flam man and con artist in the nation (and the world).

And these Democrats are, and they’re going to rob the honest taxpayers blind. In fact, they already are.

Now, some of these trillions in handouts will be what Sen. George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall used to call “honest graft.”

More than a century ago, Sen. Plunkitt frowned upon, say, outright grafts and payoffs, or blackmail. But if an “opportunity” presented itself, well, as he said in his once-famous book, “I seen my opportunities and I took ‘em.”

Think electric-battery charging stations. Dementia Joe talks about them wherever he stumbles off to – most recently to Michigan yesterday. A half million of them, he claims, costing $15 billion, will soon dot the nation’s highways. read more

8 Comments on In Biden’s America, A Golden Age For Scammers

  1. Billions of dollars will wind up in off shore accounts belonging to top democrats and Rinos.Just like the millions that were raised for Haiti ended up in Hilery and Bill’s bank account.

  2. FYI – Stanley Black & Decker Corp just bought MTD and Excel, two of the largest manufacturers of outdoor power equipment. The CEO, Jim Loree, has this grand vision of converting all lawn care from gas to electric. He envisions a massive subsidy gravy train.
    Imagine how many times a pro refills his commercial zero-turn mower a day. There is no way all that energy can be stored in a mower as electricity. NO WAY!!!


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