In Canada: – IOTW Report

In Canada:

Trudeau’s Personal Security RESIGNS — ‘I REFUSE To Obey His Tyrannical Orders Against The People!’
Corporal Buford of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has resigned from his role as personal security for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He said he will no longer execute unlawful orders. Judging from the way the police have reacted towards the truckers, many of them agree.

“I have drawn my line in the sand. No more silence and compliance from me.” He said there is no justification for the limitation on their rights, including that of mobility and privacy.


Poorly Aged Trudeau Quote Backing Other Countries’ Protests Resurfaces.

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attempts to defend himself from the mean truckers in the Canadian Freedom Convoy, some one unearthed an old Tweet of his supporting civil disobedience in other nations, the Citizen Free Press reported.

The Prime Minister has found himself in the difficult position of having encouraged very similar protests abroad, while disallowing civil disobedience in his Canada.

Just last year, Trudeau voiced support for the protests of Indian farmers, who blocked New Dehli highways in revolt of their government’s policies.

“Canada will always stand up for the right to peaceful protest and human rights anywhere around the world and we are pleased to see moves towards de-escalation and dialogue,” he said before doubling-down on Canada’s willingness to support peaceful protests.


Fascist Trudeau Isn’t Happy Just Seizing Protester’s Bank Accounts…
He’s Now Threatening To KILL Their DogsTrudeau’s fascist government is joining with banks to seize the accounts of truckers, especially if they are pro-Trump, which could be as simple as supporting GiveSendGo. They warned that their children would be put into foster care and they will seize their trucks in an asset forfeiture as well as take their driver’s licenses. Truckers also face arrest. Additionally, they have been warned that they will euthanize (kill) their dogs. On top of that, the Trudeau fascists, with the help of the sketchy finance minister, are threatening to seize the accounts of DONORS.


Freedom Convoy Co-Organizer Tamara Lich Arrested For ‘Terrorism’ Under Trudeau’s Emergency Act.
As she was taken away by the police, she yelled, “Hold the line.”


30 Comments on In Canada:

  1. “…no longer execute unlawful orders.”

    No LONGER?

    …well, bless your heart for having a breaking point and doing the right thing eventually, but “No LONGER” suggests that you KNEW you were executing unlawful orders BEFORE, but were OK with it up to a certain point.

    Good on you for joining the Lord’s side. May He bless you for doing so now and forgive you for not doing so at the start.

    …but how much better this world would be if we never accepted unlawful orders in the FIRST place, how many dead would be alive and how much treasure would have been spared and how much freedom would have been enjoyed if no one went with the Nuremberg justification for what they KNEW was bad and wrong in the first plsce…

  2. 10:01Am

    A few soldiers are telling the CBC reporters to “Fuck Off This is a Sanctuary & get off the memorial.”

    The CBC’s response:”its sad to see that not long ago people were dancing on the monument”

    The reporter (former police chief Faulkner) said he was an “Honorary Colonel” and the military does not agree with the protesters. Honorary! What a joke.

    White shirt posers VS Blue shirt grunts.

    What a Fucking Disgrace!

    Turdo wants to clear out the capital right before “Family day” Feb 21st.

  3. Corporal Buford of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has resigned – –

    Q) What do you think this has accomplished?
    A) Unfortunately it makes way for Trudoh to replace him with someone stupid, brutal and shameless.

  4. At some point in their Careers THESE COPS & WANNA Bee’s are going to go through a very severe depression when they get home.

    They will realize, FOREVER, that they are truly alone.
    A mirror really can be the toughest thing in the world to look at.

    Respect for all the coppers that said, NO! But the media does not show them.

  5. I’m of the “FUCK OFF & do it yourself philosophy.”
    Grow your own food Cityidots.
    Buy & Drive your own $250,000 Rig.
    Fix your own Heat, Electrical, Shitters etc.

    The government does not actually produce anything.
    The put things out for tenure/contract in the private sector.

  6. The assholes on those horses should take taken a look look at where Lon Horiuchi’s “just following orders” got him before charging into what are undeniably peaceful protesters. They have just colored how the entire population of good and decent people with a functioning conscience will view them for the rest of their pathetic, miserable pitiful existence. Suck to be them. I have nothing but indifference to what they will suffer to offer. No pity, certainly no sympathy, indifference is the best I have to offer. It is all I can do not to wish them even more of what they have coming to them.

  7. @ Kcir – Embarrassed 2 B from Toronto FEBRUARY 19, 2022 AT 10:32 AM

    Take an hour and listen to Todd Herman’s podcasts. He lays out why God is allowing this to happen and how it is telling us that it is time to decide if you are on the side of good or evil. What is going down is evil is exposing itself for all the world to see and that what we are going through is a necessary part of driving home the message.

  8. The green masked tow truck operators lives will no longer be worth living in their present communities. They had just as well move into an apartment in one of Canada’s Shithole cities. It is all I can do to not wish them a descent into alcoholism, drug addiction and living on the street. I may not wish it on them, but it is a stone cold natural fact that is what awaits many of them. Enjoy it bastards, you made your bed, lie in it.

  9. “Dominion/Liberals helped with that theft.
    \By contract I would point out”.

    Yup, the world was watching then as well. When the Repubs rolled over the left was emboldened. All western democracies that had leftist majority went full totalitarian.

  10. Kcir – Embarrassed 2 B from Toronto
    FEBRUARY 19, 2022 AT 10:32 AM
    “Tough fucking day for me Folks!”

    .. indeed yes.

    But remember that, ultimately, it is not Trudeau who rules in Canada.

    It’s God.

    And He will be pointing that out to this minion of satan soon and very soon…

  11. Everyone knows who those mounted goons are. If one lived anywhere within a half mile radius I would go buy a huge television, put it facing the street in my front window with their trampling of that elderly woman playing an endless loop and a crawl running across the bottom with their name and home address playing 24/7/365. Anyone who knows me knows damn well I would.

  12. “…no longer execute unlawful orders.”

    No LONGER?

    …well, bless your heart for having a breaking point and doing the right thing eventually, but “No LONGER” suggests that you KNEW you were executing unlawful orders BEFORE, but were OK with it up to a certain point.

    Corporal Buford resigned Nov 2021, months prior to the Convoy protest. Let’s not smear the reputation of an admirable patriot.

  13. ^^^

    …I didn’t say “no LONGER”, HE did.

    Evidently, he was well aware that he was doing wrong early on and did so anyway, regardless of when he resigned.

    His words, not mine.

    I do give him props for whatever Damascus Road moment gave him his epiphany.

    I only point out that going along with increasing lawlessness until it gets out of your personal comfort zone is what got us here in the first place, because evil will take whatever you’re willing to give, so it’s best not to give it anything if you KNOW it’s unlawful to begin with…

  14. I think Castro’s faggot bastard son just won a ticket to the gallows…and if I were a canadian cop, I’d flee the country, but don’t come down here we won’t protect your commie asses!

  15. My 100 pound Brindle Dutch Shepard would love to have a bite or 10 of Justin. My sainted grand dad used to say, “you never mess with a man’s wife, children, personal property & especially his dog”!


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