In Case You Forgot- He’s Bad To The Bone! – IOTW Report

In Case You Forgot- He’s Bad To The Bone!

25 Comments on In Case You Forgot- He’s Bad To The Bone!

  1. Yes, he is fighting some sort of real mental illness. He is on the edge. I think he likely hooked up with Marion Barry’s old crack dealer and is giving him the business. A scandal will be breaking soon with this mental case/drug addict, he will claim mental problems like Jesse Jaxson Jr did and he will go away to a mental hospital for a few years. And he is one of their top tier choices for 2020…. the future of the demorat party.. lol.

  2. Mitch McConnell has indicated there may be a probe of Booker’s antics at the Kavanaugh hearings. Booker’s a member of a protected class and Mcconnell doesn’t have the balls. #Fuggedaboutit.

  3. “I pity the fool!”

    Sen. Booger’s been consuming his own propaganda – never a good idea.
    He may be pretty impressive for Joisey but I don’t think he’s the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Let’s remember Corey is the son of privilege. His parents were highly paid IBM employees during IBM’s hey day. To get his street cred he invented a thug friend he bragged about “T-Bone” and bought a house in Newark he never lived in to get elected mayor.

    I believe he told the story of cradling T Bone in his arms as he died from a street shooting.

    RINO Chris Christie appointed Booker to fill the late Senator Lautenberg’s term when Christie, early in his term at the height of his popularity, could have appointed a Republican.

    Thanks, Christie!

  5. “I shall learn more and more about less and less until eventually I shall know everything about nothing.”

    Cory “Original Thought” Booker obviously stole the motto from the Bonehead club!


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