In Embarrassing Gaffe, Biden’s Head Falls Off During Town Hall – IOTW Report

In Embarrassing Gaffe, Biden’s Head Falls Off During Town Hall

Babylon Bee:

U.S.—Well, this is embarrassing. As Joe Biden was answering a question during CNN’s 742-hour town hall on climate change last night, his head fell off, casting doubt on his ability to lead the country effectively at his age.

The presidential candidate began responding to the question, saying, “Yeah, I think climate, uh, stuff is very important for us here in Canada, uh, a vital issue facing us here at the turn of the 19th century. In fact—whoopsy-daisy!” As his head was bobbling, well, like a bobblehead, it suddenly lunged forward and came clean off, toppling to the floor. He continued to answer the question, though he still didn’t seem to be certain where he was. more here

SNIP: Has Snopes embarrassed itself yet by debunking this?

h/t Webonot

18 Comments on In Embarrassing Gaffe, Biden’s Head Falls Off During Town Hall

  1. reminds me of a Monty Python cartoon

    (Joe Biden, by himself, is a Monty Python skit; his head popping off is a cartoon … not by too much of a stretch, mind you … truth is a good element for good comedy)

  2. ‘Hey Joe, where you going with that head in your hand?
    I’m going downtown, gonna get me some brain salad, man!”

    ~ Uncle ΜΟΛΩΝ, via Jimi Hendrix, via Billy Roberts

  3. Need a meme depicting the CNN coverage, of the speaking event, with a child drawing of a talking head replacing Biden’s freshly popped off head. “Nothing to see here, folks’.


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