In first executive order, Trump tells agencies to ease ObamaCare burden – IOTW Report

In first executive order, Trump tells agencies to ease ObamaCare burden

FOX: In his first hours as president Friday, Donald Trump ordered federal agencies to “ease the burden” of ObamaCare while his chief of staff directed an immediate regulatory freeze.

Trump was joined in the Oval Office by Vice President Mike Pence, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and other top advisers as he signed the executive order on former President Barack Obama’s signature health law, which Trump opposed throughout his campaign.

The order directs agencies to “minimize the unwarranted economic and regulatory burdens [of ObamaCare] and prepare to afford the States more flexibility and control to create a more free and open healthcare market.” It also tells agencies to waive, defer or delay imposing any ObamaCare provisions that impose fiscal penalties.  more here

15 Comments on In first executive order, Trump tells agencies to ease ObamaCare burden

  1. ‘It also tells agencies to waive, defer or delay imposing any ObamaCare provisions that impose fiscal penalties on states, health care providers, families or individuals.’

    Thank God! After a massive premium increase we were told if the ‘Cadillac’ provisions go into effect our coverage would be severely limited.
    I am gleeful.

  2. I wish he could do an executive order re congress having to serve under the laws the pass for the deplorables. I bet they’d think twice if they didn’t exempt there high and mighty asses from the laws they pass.

  3. @MJA Did they redecorate the Oval Office like they did the White House after Obama left?

    Where’s The bust of Churchill!?!

    I know that President Trump likes gold but his flaxen mane would offset better by a bold red or dark blue curtain…!

  4. Just maybe the federal government will stop taxing Social Security Benefits and Medicare.
    Will the federal government continue to suck the life blood of senior citizens?
    We’ll see what the Republican Leadership in the House and Senate will do.

  5. Barry probably had the helicopter smoking like the choom gang van to ease his anger at seeing the axe taken so quickly to his name sake law.

    otoh, I have noticed a lot of tv talking heads talking up how great the economy is that Trump has inherited, much better than what Barry inherited. Leaving the door open for Barry pump up his ego by proclaiming – Trump didn’t build that. I built that.

  6. I’m not a policy wonk on this, but I know csteventucker has some good thoughts on this, can’t wait to hear it. Looking forward to the input on all these actions, I think they are going to come so fast it’s going to be hard to keep up with it. We really are so fortunate that Donald J. Trump is our president. Just think if it was hillary and slick willie up there today instead of the Trump family. That is fucking scary!

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