In Florida, Republicans Fight Back – IOTW Report

In Florida, Republicans Fight Back

Powerline: I don’t think we can say with certainty that election officials in Broward and Palm Beach counties are trying to steal the Florida Senate and gubernatorial elections for the Democrats. But we can certainly say that they are keeping their options open.

Governor Rick Scott is fighting back, which is unusual for a Republican. He has already brought lawsuits against both the Broward and Palm Beach election authorities, and has obtained court orders in both cases. My understanding, however, is that the Democrats in charge of those counties’ processes are ignoring the orders. Thus, Governor Scott sought additional relief today.  MORE

8 Comments on In Florida, Republicans Fight Back

  1. “I don’t think we can say with certainty that election officials in Broward and Palm Beach counties are trying to steal the Florida Senate and gubernatorial elections for the Democrats.”

    Who is ‘we’?

  2. I am pissed as hell that Scott let it come to this. The Broward County crook was found GUILTY of illegal campaign activity. While Scott can’t remove her he could have SUSPENDED her – as Jeb! did her predecessor years ago.

    Further, I am pissed as hell that the GOP has allowed this to go on in state after state and throughout the media.

    Trump can’t be the only Republican with balls.

  3. Lets face it, they’re dancing around this clear case of voter fraud because the fat cow is black and they are terrified of being called racist. All of the officials need to get a spine and call a spade a spade.

  4. Hey beachmom –
    Pam Bondi?? You mean the same Pam Bondi that was an aide-de-camp to Trayvon Martins family lawyer Crump?
    If it wasn’t for The Conservative Treehouse and crowd-sourced information, Pam Bondi would’ve helped put George Zimmerman on death row.
    Sheesh! 🤦🏼‍♂️


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