In Hacked Fundraiser Recording, Hillary Mocks Bernie Supporters “Living In Their Parents’ Basement” – IOTW Report

In Hacked Fundraiser Recording, Hillary Mocks Bernie Supporters “Living In Their Parents’ Basement”

ZeroHedge – The reason why the Trump campaign has been so eager to find transcripts and recordings of the private speeches Hillary Clinton has delivered during her extensive, lucrative speaking career, is because it is there that she reveals that rare glimpse into what she truly thinks, or at least what $250,000 per hour will get her to believe. One such example is a recently hacked recording of Hillary Clinton, where in a private conversation with campaign donors in February, Clinton distanced herself from progressive goals like “free college, free healthcare” and described her place on the political spectrum as spanning from the center-left to the center-right.

The newly disclosed comments first noticed by the Intercept, came in audio from hacked emails revealed this week by the Washington Free Beacon. Clinton was speaking at a Virginia fundraiser hosted by Beatrice Welters, the former U.S. ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago, and her husband Anthony Welters, the executive chairman of an investment consulting firm founded by former Clinton aid Cheryl Mills.

The hacked audio provides another peek into the ideological chameleon that Hillary is on a day to day basis. As the Intercept notes, “Clinton has been inconsistent in the past about espousing political labels. She has at times touted herself as stalwart liberal. For instance, she said last July: “I take a backseat to no one when you look at my record in standing up and fighting for progressive values.” But a few months later, she told a group in Ohio: “You know, I get accused of being kind of moderate and center. I plead guilty.”

In one segment of the leaked audio, Hillary focused on her opponent at the time, Bernie Sanders, was pointed to successful programs in Scandinavia which provide universal daycare, family leave, and government sponsored healthcare and college education, as policies that he would seek to adopt. “Progressive” Hillary mocked the compared idea of “free college, free healthcare” to the “extreme” ideas promulgated by the right, which include “populism, nationalism and xenophobia.”  MORE

12 Comments on In Hacked Fundraiser Recording, Hillary Mocks Bernie Supporters “Living In Their Parents’ Basement”

  1. Chameleon Cankles, pivots more to be an illusion of what she thinks people want, than the real lizards do. BUT AT THE CORE OF HER VIRULENT ROTTING CORPSE is the demon. CAVEAT EMPTOR!

  2. “Mrs. Clinton spoke a fact?”

    True enough. But the reason a lot of them live there is because they can’t find jobs do to the trade deals her husband passed. Make no mistake, Billy’s economy was good because we were still riding the awesome effects of Reagan’s trickle down. Bill Clinton was the very start of what we a living thru today.

  3. True enough, Brad. But another problem is that the schools simply have simply stopped teaching useful things.

    If Fur and Illustr8r were attending art school today, they’d probably have to take required courses in “Graphic Concepts in Marxist Society,” and their degrees would be in majors like “Gender-Neutral Body Drawing.”

  4. greetingsfromyonkers
    Even the trades are rock bottom. The progressives version of an economy is employees from Burger King by hamburgers from McDonalds and visa versa. Oh and tax the rich.

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