In Iowa Campaign Stop, Biden Tells Story Of Finding Women In The “Hood” To Teach How To Code – IOTW Report

In Iowa Campaign Stop, Biden Tells Story Of Finding Women In The “Hood” To Teach How To Code

At an Iowa campaign stop, Joe Biden told a story about preparing women in the “hood” of Detroit to work for the city by teaching them to code. 


American Thinker: Does Joe Biden have any idea what learning to code is?

The Washington Examiner found an example of a blithe claim from him last year about how he “helped” get 54 Detroit women, mostly ‘of color’ and ‘from the hood’ with high school degrees and GEDs, to enroll in a 17-week government program to “do computer coding.”

DES MOINES, Iowa — Joe Biden Wednesday bragged about time he spent in the “hood,” a place where he said he found “women of color” he helped train to do computer coding.

Speaking at a rally, the former vice president elaborated on how U.S. workers need to receive better education to prepare themselves for a changing economy, and used a visit to Detroit, Mich., to describe how businesses went to local organizations that help train minorities various coding and technical abilities.

“Through a program we had through community colleges, we can teach people how to code,” Biden said. “We went out, literally into the hood, and they found, turns out, 54 [people], they happened to be all women, the vast majority were women of color, no more than a high school degree, aged 25–54, and a third of them only had GEDs.”

The Examiner and the Detroit Metro Times earlier focused on the improbable — and patronizing — spectacle of Old Joe going into ‘the Hood’ and somehow getting hold of black female gear-turners laid off from the auto industry to enroll in the program, a variant on the ‘learn to code’ trope for displaced workers.

And if you look at the Wayne County School of Continuing Education’s website, it’s likely that that the program he was talking about was this.

“It’s not rocket science,” he cheesily assured.   more

20 Comments on In Iowa Campaign Stop, Biden Tells Story Of Finding Women In The “Hood” To Teach How To Code

  1. MNow that Greezy Joe Biden is the 2020 election equivalent of 2016 Killary, his being under a non-stop spotlight will expose his incredibly tone deaf out of touch gaffes & fuckups to the LoFo American voter and they won’t like what they see: CORRUPT, conspires with Chinks for cash to his family, conspires with Russians & Ukrainian for cash to his family, child fondler, creepy handsey hairsniffer, foul-mouthed asshole, drunken buffoon

  2. BID=N?
    What the hell is that? So, does this say that BID is equal to N?
    Is this an attempt to appeal to queers and their unequal rights logo and the blacks (the “N” word)?
    Was this designed by the same genius who came up with the H with arrow modified hospital logo?

  3. Detroit is a swamp-hood. Businesses move there now for YUGE tax breaks, but no one in their rational mind wants to LIVE there. Meanwhile, Biden trips along with his irrational mind–and the bulk of Motown will look for the capital “D” on the ballot.

  4. This… from the same imbecile who thought the Internet wuz just a big, giant telephone and sites were accessed with phone numbers!
    Biden told viewers to check out a government-run Web site tracking stimulus spending, but admitted he was embarrassed because he couldn’t remember the site’s “number.”
    “You know, I’m embarrassed. Do you know the Web site number?” he asked an aide standing out of view. “I should have it in front of me and I don’t. I’m actually embarrassed.”

    Learn to code… just let the computer warm up in the morning Joey cuz it’s all about the Tubes Baybee!
    (Oh… and don’t let it run out of Kerosene Joe)

    Frito rolled his eyes heavenward. It was going to be a loooooong epic…

  5. It’s not rocket science. It’s computer science. It is a very abstract and specialized discipline. Sure you can pick and choose, but acquiring it can hurt your brain and your ego for years even if you are built for it. And by the way, if you want a continuing career in “coding”, continuing education is mandatory. All that software and computers are today is nothing like it was just ten or fifteen years ago. There is constant pressure to keep up. This technology stuff doesn’t happen by accident. Not the good stuff.

  6. So what is the employment and financial status of those women now?

    Why doesn’t he parade at least one of them out on stage as an example of their success?

  7. @TRF – I’d forgotten about the “number” flap. BTW, great reference to the “Bored of the Rings”!

    What is it with these people? Hillary claiming she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary (She-born ’47:He-not famous till ’53) and her under fire, etc.

  8. Joey’s a fukkin liar – and not a particularly good one.
    His one advantage is that his constituency is dumber and more prone to lying (thus more susceptible to lies) than he is.

    Only idiots sell themselves into slavery on the promise of free “stuff.”
    “Free,” indeed, are the wages of slavery.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Tim – A wise man once said:
    Socialists (and their Free “stuff”) will provide you shelter,
    fill your belly with bacon and beans,
    and treat you when you’re ill.
    In other words they will provide you
    with everything guaranteed to a prisoner or a slave!

    I believe that man was Ronald Reagan.

  10. Gropin’ Joe adheres to an old Irish proverb: “If you want to drink all day, you have to start in the morning.” Then you are sure to make a complete phuckin’ ass of yerself by mid afternoon. Literally!

  11. I’m from the punched card era. School was the 1401 with starting work with the 360’s.

    Major advancement was the 370 and many here probably have no idea what I’m talking about.


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