In Major Reversal, Biden Resurrects Trump Border Policy Ahead Of Title 42 Repeal – IOTW Report

In Major Reversal, Biden Resurrects Trump Border Policy Ahead Of Title 42 Repeal

Daily Wire: |

The Biden administration has brought back a Trump-era immigration rule the day before Title 42 is scheduled to sunset and encourage a wave of illegal immigration into the U.S.

The rule, finalized and published in the Federal Register on Wednesday, disqualifies migrants from applying for asylum in the U.S. if they neglected to first apply for asylum in other countries they traveled through, such as Mexico. Hundreds of asylum officers were trained in how to enforce the rule on Tuesday ahead of Title 42’s expiration, according to CBS News.

The new rule, a reversal of President Joe Biden’s campaign promises, comes as the administration has failed for more than two years to control historic levels of illegal immigration into the U.S. The ongoing crisis at the southern border is widely expected to worsen later this week when Title 42, a health order authorizing border officials to immediately expel migrants without processing, is repealed at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday. more here

16 Comments on In Major Reversal, Biden Resurrects Trump Border Policy Ahead Of Title 42 Repeal

  1. “has failed for more than two years to control historic levels of illegal immigration into the U.S”

    I don’t think you can fail at anything if you haven’t tried to do it, and never had any intention of succeeding at it in the first place.

  2. I don’t know… I mean, this administration has never followed the rules up to now. What’s stopping them from ignoring this one, even though they resurrected the rule?

  3. relax- kamala is the ‘immigration czar’
    now that she has this taken care of, she’s going on to oversee AI
    what could possibly go wrong?

    my understanding of international asylum law is that asylum must be granted by the first non-hostile country that the asylum seeker enters. That would probably be meexico. They don’t get to ‘cherry pick’ their final destination, they just get to be safe.

  4. This is done too late after thousands of military aged males have already been amassed at the border. FJB, that goddamn pervert/crook/traitor. And fuck anyone still supporting that evil son of a bitch.

  5. Like everything else in the Dem playbook they are probably trying to draw attention away from the House Oversight committee as they are looking into all of the illegal activity of the Biden crime family. Sadly, just another dog and pony show.

  6. Anonymous, The wall needs to be completed, maintained and monitored, which Bidet has refused to do. The money was already allocated for the wall, but those that control the “Commander in Chief” chose to continue to pay the contractors without requiring them to satisfy the original contract.

    Those in current control are also completely ignoring immigration law, resulting in an invasion of the United States.

    Now, what’s the joke here?

  7. That wall is a useless POS. Poorly designed & worthless. A 100 dollar sawzall cuts it up.
    Junk, sold by used car salesman.
    By the way the contracts were voided & ended, get it right.

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