In Makiv, They’re Running Out of Men – IOTW Report

In Makiv, They’re Running Out of Men


MAKIV, Ukraine — Few men of fighting age are left in this village in southwest Ukraine, and those who remain fear they will be drafted at any moment.

Their neighbors are already hundreds of miles east in trenches on the front lines. Some have been killed or wounded. Several are missing. Others from this rural area — about 45 miles from the borders of Romania and Moldova — have fled abroad or found ways to avoid the war, either with legitimate exemptions or by hiding.

“It’s just a fact,” said Larysa Bodna, deputy director of the local school, which keeps a database of students whose parents are deployed. “Most of them are gone.”

Ukraine desperately needs more troops, with its forces depleted by deaths, injuries and exhaustion. Despite Russia’s own enormous casualties, the invaders still far outnumber Ukraine’s defenders, an advantage that is helping Moscow advance on the battlefield. Ukraine’s parliament is debating a bill to expand the draft pool, in part by lowering the eligibility age to 25 from 27, but few decisions are being made in Kyiv that will quickly answer the army’s urgent needs. more

17 Comments on In Makiv, They’re Running Out of Men

  1. Same with convid: If Pelosi, Shoomer, and Clinton are FOR something, then I am automatically suspicious. Now add Bite-me to this list of “Always Wrong” folks. So when these same evil wrong doers tell me that Ukie Land is somehow worthy of endless no audit funds; again I hugely doubt the truth of any of that story.

  2. men? That’s not very equitable for such a democratic country like Ukraine. Send in the women and gender fluid freaks, pay them 70% and save the US taxpayer 30%. Well, okay, we’d only save 20% because 10% goes to the big guy, but still 20% savings ain’t too shabby!! Don’t forget the pregnant flight suits.

  3. The US/Euro Swamp started this war – for nothing. (Remember: We almost went to war with the USSR over their putting missles in Cuba and now the swamp wants to put them in Ukraine.) We have MASSIVE criminals running our government.

  4. “Z” claimed 32,000 dead soldiers about a month ago.

    I would bet the number is closer to 320,000 dead who should have been fighting against the WEF along side Russia, the USA, Britain, Poland, Hungary, & WESTERN CANADA etc. WEST!

    The real enemy is the UN/WEF/WHO and we are wasting away OUR SIDE as they watch.


  5. Is any of it real?
    Is there any “honest” news coming out of Ukraine?
    Putin started with bombing the American bio-labs.
    Where are the missing children?
    The media blames Russia, but a better bet is they were taken by the U.N. and NWO. Just like the 85,000 missing from the southern border.
    How many underage children does pedo Klaus Schwab need per month.
    Child trafficking is a global enterprise.
    Obamacare set up for child trafficking?

  6. “Despite Russia’s own enormous casualties…”

    Keep cope alive, Ukraine.

    You really should quit, though. You’re being fed lies and propaganda, and no amount of anything from the West is going to turn the tide.

  7. Maybe he should travel to Makiv and play the bar piano with his dick again and see if he can at least attract some women to his lost cause.

    Then, *POP GOES THE WEASEL!* is played by the local POLKA! POLKA! POLKA! band as he’s carted off.

    We really ARE close to the end of the world as we knew it.

  8. Even as they speak some truths, they have to qualify it with bullshit. “Despite enormous Russian casualties” ..

    Compared to what? Compared to Ukraine’s? In the last 12 months from March 2023 to today, Ukie casualties have been 5 to 6 times Russian casualties and 15 to 20 times Per capita.

    Compared to previous wars? Russia sustained some 1.7 million deaths in 3 years .. half a million in 3 months in 1916. The Red Army suffered some 3 million deaths in the first four months of the Nazi invasion and still stopped the Germans before Moscow. It lost at least 7.5 million in the entire war .. and won. So how does 60k or so faze it

  9. I don’t believe anything that comes out of Ukraine.
    Ukraine has been part of the “Bloodlands” (Snyder) since (at least) the Mongrel invasion and I’m pretty sure that Biden, the Demonrats, and the WEF were skimming even back then.
    All seriousness aside, what are America’s interests?
    Outside of enriching greedy politicians and politically-connected parasites?

    Somewhere on this Earth is a man of God who’s been told what’s going on, but somehow he’s been silenced – or his time isn’t ripe.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Not long ago …… Millions of US Families faced exactly what Ukraine and Russian families are facing.

    The military draft brought the war to the American home front. During the Vietnam War era, between 1964 and 1973, the U.S. military drafted 2.2 million American men. The system of conscription caused many young American men to avoid the draft and volunteer for the armed forces in order to have a choice of which military Service they would serve. Of the 27 million draft-age men between 1964 and 1973, 40% were drafted.

    US – -58,281 KIA or non-combat deaths (including the missing and deaths in captivity).
    153,372 WIA (excluding 150,332 persons not requiring hospital care)
    1,584 MIA (originally 2,646)
    766–778 POW (652–662 freed/escaped,[b][86][87] 114–116 died in captivity)
    The total number of casualties, both KIA and non-hostile deaths, for drafted and volunteer service personnel (figures are approximated).

    Volunteer Draftees
    70% 30%

    Families and Communities buried the Enlisted and Drafted, just the same.

  11. Not trying to start any shit, but how many young American men were killed in auto accidents and inner-city (and other) murders and various accidents between 1964 and 1973?

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