In Minnesota campaign stop, Trump warns voters Democrats cannot protect them during civil unrest – IOTW Report

In Minnesota campaign stop, Trump warns voters Democrats cannot protect them during civil unrest

President Trump on Monday kicked off a busy campaign week with a first stop in Minnesota where he told potential voters, “I’m here to help you.”

He spoke on the opening day of the Democratic Party’s nominating convention and nearly four months after the death of George Floyd in the custody of Minneapolis police, sparks weeks of protests that frequently devolved into nights of vandalism, looting and rioting. 

“My message to Minnesota is clear,” Trump said at an airport in Mankato, Minnesota. “I’m here to help you. We will bring back law and order to your community, we will bring it back and bring it back immediately.”

Trump, who narrowly lost Minnesota in 2016, also said that he does not believe the Democratic leadership in such cities as Chicago, Minneapolis and New York can handle the challenges of this moment of civil unrest.

“We’ve seen the blueprint here in Minneapolis,” he said. “The city recently voted to abolish the police department. They actually went to that extent. … More than 700 buildings were burned, damaged, or destroyed. If left-wing Democrats can’t run a city, why on earth would you let them run your country?” more

9 Comments on In Minnesota campaign stop, Trump warns voters Democrats cannot protect them during civil unrest

  1. I love what trump has accomplished but on this front the republocrats have done as much as the demoncrats when it comes to protecting their constituents.

    The republocunts have also pushed this shamdemic as hard as the demoncrats and is why I refer to all of them as the UniParty.

    I voted all RED the last time around and the only good that came out of it was trump.

    the red mayor is a shamdemic fanatic in my town… in the “live free or die” state he ordered masks be worn OUTSIDE even when you are alone or face fines and or jail so please stop making it out like the only way out of this mess is by the repub-side of the UniParty because that just aint so.

  2. “The cops acted stupidly.”

    The first blow to law enforcement, Democrats are not Democrats, they are all manner of beast. If you were to gather them up on a farm, they’d be PRETENDERS one and all. Look at Biden & Harris, top of the ticket shape shifters. Opportunistic PRETENDERS, collapsing the system with great resolve.

  3. Failure of a two party system with no solid vetting of their members. Pretty much voting with a blind fold on. Our political supremacists running the show have us fooled but good.

  4. Do Democrats really want protection from civil unrest?

    I don’t seem to hear them making any significant call for it, at least not ones that are meant to have any real effect.

    But maybe I’m just hearing the things I want to hear and ignoring the things I don’t without realizing it.

  5. ask your selves why? why dementia joe biden and his hoe running mate? why was he picked to be the democrat standard bearer?

    i used to think it was so hillary could step in at the last minute, since she doesn’t have the endurance to run for a whole campaign cycle, but now i am not so sure.

    i think they picked joe because he will lose. then with the vote by mail muddying up the results we can have the questioning of the election results.
    we have riots in the streets agitating the population. a division of the people.
    we have massive unrest and a demonization of the police.

    we have what communist always need for a communist revolution.
    unrest, destabilization and questioning of authority.

    it’s all here in place.

    these are not ordinary times.

    we are living in a gad dam communist revolution in this country.

  6. “… Democrats cannot protect them during civil unrest …”

    You don’t protect your prey.
    The Demonrats are fomenting “unrest.”
    The Demonrats are terrorizing the “underclass” – our urban denizens.
    The Demonrats are driving them like sheep into the shearing sheds.
    The Demonrats have no intention of protecting those they terrorize.

    The idea is to raise the temperature until the shooting begins, and then use their ubiquitous propaganda organ to lie about the causes and effects, thereof.

    “Kristallnacht” was depicted as “righteous outrage” by the Press.

    History textures the present but we learn nothing.

    izlamo delenda est …

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  8. I hated that line. Do you remember the Reagan quote? “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” I do understand the context and something needs to happen because the Dems aren’t even trying to help. Not sure how to reword his speech, so I will not try.

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