In Move Against China, Palau Invites Pentagon to Build New Bases in Pacific – IOTW Report

In Move Against China, Palau Invites Pentagon to Build New Bases in Pacific

WFB: The Republic of Palau is moving against China by inviting the United States to build new military bases in the Pacific island country, the Wall Street Journal first reported Tuesday.

A small island nation located between Guam, the Philippines, and Indonesia, Palau occupies a critical region where Beijing has looked to expand its influence. 

“Palau is a very important place in the Pacific,” U.S. ambassador to Palau John Hennessey-Niland told the Journal. “Palau has suffered from predatory economic behavior and malign influence from the PRC. … Palau is a good friend of the United States and a great partner in the Pacific.” more

8 Comments on In Move Against China, Palau Invites Pentagon to Build New Bases in Pacific

  1. I’m grateful that China, through it’s bullying tactics is managing to isolate themselves.
    Like an exploding plague of rats eventually it burns itself out.
    Hopefully before a major military confrontation touches off.

  2. @WDS

    Duterte can’t be that bad. Remember what he said about Barky?

    Plus he Blasted Turdeau Bigly.
    Duterte cancelled a $300 million 16 helicopter deal with Canada because SockBoy wanted to review the deal because of “human rights issues” and Turd did not want the choppers used for military purposes.

    Duterte “offered a $500 bounty for each Communists killed by government forces to save on anti-insurgency costs…” Seems quite reasonable to me.

  3. Kcir,
    Who cares what dog-face Rodrigo said about Barack? Duterte submits to Islam by giving the mohammedans their own autonomous zone and when Abu Sayaaf and ISIS combatants murder & beheads Filipinos et al he does very little. Like I said, can’t be trusted.
    PS, I have friends in the Visayas. Duterte is hated.


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