In New York- ‘The rich can’t pay taxes if they’re not there’ – IOTW Report

In New York- ‘The rich can’t pay taxes if they’re not there’

Cuomo calls $2.3-billion drop in revenue a ‘heart attack’.

American Thinker:

The state of New York may be falling behind some states when it comes to quality of life issues.  But there’s one category where New York excels: taxing its citizens.

New York leads the nation in taxes, a dubious distinction not lost on wealthy residents of the state.  So it’s puzzling why the governor would be surprised when expected revenues fall a little short; about $2.3 billion short. read more

18 Comments on In New York- ‘The rich can’t pay taxes if they’re not there’

  1. The old saying ,”You can shear a sheep many times but you can only skin him once” comes to mind.

    And I don’t think NY leads the nation in taxes;

    The 10 highest income tax states for 2018 are:
    California 13.3%
    Hawaii 11%
    Oregon 9.9%
    Minnesota 9.85%
    Iowa 8.98%
    New Jersey 8.97%
    Vermont 8.95%
    District of Columbia 8.95%

    Factor in local taxes, gas taxes, utility taxes, phone taxes, CRV taxes on plastic and glass bottles, California smokes all other states when it comes to picking our pockets.

  2. Rich Taylor

    It doesn’t look like you captured property tax for California. It’s basically 1.1 percent annually. I don’t even want to tell you how much a month I pay in property tax. And that was capped by Jarvis Gan and the Democrats, who have a super majority, are trying to over turn that.

  3. San Francisco is the place to be
    Pharma living is the life for xhe
    Slum spreading out,
    so far and wide
    Keep Manhattan,
    Just give me that Pelosi Ride.
    The Whores
    The Stores
    Fresher Organic air
    Goodbye New York
    Gimme that West Coast City Life.
    Green Acres, we are there!

    Les Arpents verts, les champs les bois
    Les chemins creux, c`est fait pour moi
    J`aime les coins coins des p`tits canetons
    Et les bèbèbè des bébébés des moutons.

    Acres Verdes es el lugar para mi
    La vida dura es lo que quiero yo
    Mucha tierra,
    que no se acabe nunca
    No quiero Manhattan,
    solo vivir en el campo.

    A Házimunkák
    A Raktározott készletekFriss levegõ
    Idõ Négyzet
    Ön feleségem. Viszlát város élet.
    Zöld Hold föld, vagyunk ott!

    Keep Manhattan,
    Just give them that Pelosi Ride.

  4. Bad_Brad, can you imagine the orgasms the Ca. legislature would have if Prop. 13 had not passed?

    Ca. prop. taxes are reasonable compared to the rest of the nation, thus, it was not included in my list. All those other taxes mentioned are punitive in nature, by design.

    Another typical example; I was going to renew my Amazon prime last year and I come to find out that California slaps a $12 fee on top of the Amazon fee, just because they can.

    The state wants to take over PG&E, can you imagine what we will be paying for electricity when that happens?

  5. And when Blomo is forced to start cutting gifts to the free shit army, watch how fast he ends up unemployed. Get out the popcorn when he starts groveling to the Federal Government to bail his ass out.

  6. RICH

    do you think there is a “cals + effect” here on why prior to ’07 more Americans came to Cal than left. subsequent more Americans are leaving than coming?

    I hope you do not have to think over a nanosecond on the answer!

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