In Newly Obtained Memo, Congress’ Top Cop Said House Democratic Caucus Server VANISHED – IOTW Report

In Newly Obtained Memo, Congress’ Top Cop Said House Democratic Caucus Server VANISHED


A secret memo marked “URGENT” detailed how the House Democratic Caucus’s server went “missing” soon after it became evidence in a cybersecurity probe. The secret memo also said more than “40 House offices may have been victims of IT security violations.”

In the memo, Congress’s top law enforcement official, Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving, along with Chief Administrative Officer Phil Kiko, wrote, “We have concluded that the employees [Democratic systems administrator Imran Awan and his family] are an ongoing and serious risk to the House of Representatives, possibly threatening the integrity of our information systems and thereby members’ capacity to serve constituents.”

The memo, addressed to the Committee on House Administration (CHA) and dated Feb. 3, 2017, was recently reviewed and transcribed by The Daily Caller News Foundation. The letter bolsters TheDCNF’s previous reporting about the missing server and evidence of fraud on Capitol Hill.

It details how the caucus server, run by then-caucus Chairman Rep. Xavier Becerra, was secretly copied by authorities after the House Inspector General (IG) identified suspicious activity on it, but the Awans’ physical access was not blocked.


19 Comments on In Newly Obtained Memo, Congress’ Top Cop Said House Democratic Caucus Server VANISHED

  1. No problem. Immediately arrest all involved on charges of Treason.

    By Federal Law, it was their responsibility to maintain the records and keep them classified.
    This memo is evidence of their guilt. Arrest them STAT.

  2. The very least charge for all of them is fraud.
    They should have or could have known the server was a key piece of evidence.
    Are there any back ups anywhere?

  3. Imran Awan is supposed to be in court today, apparently to plea bargain his way to a lesser charge. If it was up to me he could bargain his way to being hanged with an eight foot rope instead of a ten foot rope. The guy is a spy and DWS is guilty of treason. Hang her too.

  4. Life is grand when you work, lie, destroy evidence and steal for the elected elite.
    The protected political bureaucrats in key government positions are the lifeblood of the establishment elite who are the power behind government shakers, deal makers and deal breakers.

    The CIA, DOJ, FBI and the IRS are not the only Federal Agencies involved with sedition allowing high level employees to break laws, rules, regulations and commit treason to maintain establishment power and control.

    Two thoughts come to mind, either the DOJ is led by an incompetent AG or the DOJ is the tool of the deep state establishment.

    Sessions silence, his apparent abdication of his duties and responsibilities as AG leads me to lean toward the latter or both.

  5. I too am all for arresting the people involved… NOW! We need to send a message that there are very serious consequences to this lawlessness or it will simply get worse! Stop fcuking around with these traitors!!!

  6. They know Imran was transferring information to Pakistan. He is a spy! Debbie Wasserman Schultz is either a complete and totally ignorant tool or she is complicit in treason via espionage.
    Pick one.

    At the very least she needs to have her security clearance taken away.

  7. If anyone was paying attention to Q, you’d understand that Q and his associates claim to have the server.

    Wasserman, Awan, and people way above them are in major panic mode right now because treason is being discussed.

    It’s glorious to behold.

  8. The other tsunami here. I hope you are right about the good guys having the server. I try to read Q when I can and the discussions on 8 Ch but time is an issue. Plus a lot of it is cryptic if you have not been following it closely.
    Thanks to tsunami and BB and others that post Q updates. Very much appreciated.


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