In No Particular Order – IOTW Report

In No Particular Order

Is the HIV epidemic on its way back? 🤷‍♀️

From October 2020—

Researchers Warn Some Covid-19 Vaccines Could Increase Risk Of HIV Infection.

“I don’t see why I would pick an Ad5 vector (vaccine) when there are many other alternative choices.”  

What do you think?

h/t people on the internet

From this week:

URGENT: New research turns up yet more potential mRNA vaccine dangers.

mRNA from the Pfizer and Moderna shots can be found in lymph nodes for at least 60 days after injection.


A Health Public Policy Nightmare.

Vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for two months in lymph node germinal centers… protein production of spike is higher than those of severely ill COVID-19 patients!


11 Comments on In No Particular Order

  1. Nothing would surprise me but maybe homosexuals are have unprotected sex. Maybe the condom shelves are empty.
    Also, intravenous drug use is up too.

    Aren’t the shutdowns great? (sarc)

  2. There are medical professionals that have been predicting problems like this right from the word GO. I remember reading even before the jabs came out that mRNA vaccines when tested in animals couldn’t be completed because all the animals died. I decided early on that I wouldn’t be taking it.

  3. Back in 2020, there were claims from several researchers that several of COVID’s engineered spike mutations we derived from the AID’s virus. Remember? Oh, but that, of course, was CONSPIRACY THEORY!


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