In Nod to Trump, G-7 Leaders Make Joint Statement on Fair Trade – IOTW Report

In Nod to Trump, G-7 Leaders Make Joint Statement on Fair Trade

Epoch Times:

Leaders of the Group of Seven issued a declaration on Aug. 26 committing to fair trade, a term President Donald Trump has frequently employed in his campaign to rebalance the United States’ global trade relationships.

French President Emmanuel Macron released the declaration at the end of a three-day G-7 summit in Biarritz, France. The statement emphasized “great unity” among the leaders and expressed their commitment to “open and fair global trade and the stability of the global economy.”

Macron issued the declaration hours after Trump announced that China is eager to make a deal. The message from China came the day after the White House said the president might have regretted not raising tariffs on China even more. Trump has accused China of employing unfair trade practices, and he imposed several waves of tariffs to force the communist regime to agree to a fair deal.

“I do think that privately these other G-7 leaders were grateful that the United States was again taking the lead,” said James Roberts, a research fellow at the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation. “So I think this resolution where the French kind of did acknowledge some of the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s position on trade was good.”

The United States and China are the world’s two largest economies. The trade spat between the two countries has cooled global markets while the U.S. economy continues to soar.

“Sadly, past Administrations have allowed China to get so far ahead of Fair and Balanced Trade that it has become a great burden to the American Taxpayer,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Aug. 23. “As President, I can no longer allow this to happen! In the spirit of achieving Fair Trade, we must Balance this very unfair Trading Relationship.”
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5 Comments on In Nod to Trump, G-7 Leaders Make Joint Statement on Fair Trade

  1. “I do think that privately these other G-7 leaders were grateful that the United States was again taking the lead,” said James Roberts.

    Oh thank allah for godless obamination’s economic leadership. obamination’s backwards driven presidency from hell, makes President Trump even more amazing, by comparison.

    Poor Mr. Roberts is in for leftist excoriating.

  2. Pffft. Their statement and $6.50 will get you a small fair trade coffee.

    Diplo-speak means no action. They’ll need to form a subcommittee to the committee to advise the assistant deputy to the vice director advising the council attache on trade relations to make a recommendation at their ski retreat in Gstaad in 2021 before anyone files a motion to take a quorum.


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