In NY: Who are the ‘sick passengers’ holding up our subway cars? – IOTW Report

In NY: Who are the ‘sick passengers’ holding up our subway cars?

homeless peeing in street nyc

NYPost: We interrupt your celebration of the Second Avenue subway opening for an important announcement:

The “sick passenger” who caused trains to back up for miles on Dec. 16 wasn’t sick as you and I understand the word. To cite “The Godfather Part II” hit man Willie Cicci, that was no heart attack.

Nor was it a case of too much holiday eggnog. Although neither the MTA nor the NYPD will share data, the truth was obvious to this subway rider who’s used the system almost daily since 1972:

Many “sick passengers” who bring the system to a halt are homeless and/or psychotic people who do unpleasant things such as collapsing in their own excrement — and then require hour-plus efforts by cops and EMS workers to remove them from trains.  more

5 Comments on In NY: Who are the ‘sick passengers’ holding up our subway cars?

  1. From the link:”I was among hundreds of passengers on an M train immediately behind the F. The M remained stopped, just short of the station, for 70 long minutes — I clocked ’em, 70 — before the F was able to leave.”

    Ahhh, yes. The joys of metropolitan life. I hope you enjoy the experience of stacking people, all the people, the gifted, the talented, the beautiful, the self defecators, the psychotics and all that ilk into your urban pile. That same pile that can’t feed itself, that relies on other outlying areas to ship you energy, water, the above mentioned food, so that you can be our “cultural shining examples”.

    You have no idea how much the rest of us appreciate you.

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