In quick post-SOTU gaffe, Biden says ‘we shouldn’t have gone into Ukraine’ – IOTW Report

In quick post-SOTU gaffe, Biden says ‘we shouldn’t have gone into Ukraine’

BPR: The latest gaffe from the president had social media buzzing that he told “the truth on accident” about America’s involvement in Ukraine.

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign may be trying to sell the leftist leader as a spry senior, but a series of public appearances likely had aides scrambling to send him back to the basement. After his politically charged State of the Union and a blunder-full speech in Pennsylvania, the commander-in-chief kicked at the hornet’s nest of his two-front geopolitical disaster as he confused Ukraine with the Middle East.

During the same MSNBC interview on “The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart” where he apologized for referring to the illegal alien alleged to have killed nursing student Laken Riley as an “illegal,” Biden bungled his conflicts when questioned on the Israel-Hamas war. more

8 Comments on In quick post-SOTU gaffe, Biden says ‘we shouldn’t have gone into Ukraine’

  1. The look on the face of the little fruity interviewer, with his fake glasses, was priceless. The things these clowns have to do for their paychecks.

    I wonder if when he’s with his gay buddies, they all make mercilesd fun of Biden. Or do they feign concern for the nice old man with a poor memory.

    Probably they just say “This is fine” so they don’t get fired.

  2. Sourpuss
    SUNDAY, 10 MARCH 2024, 22:25 AT 10:25 PM
    “It’s a discussing crime that the whole USA is wrapped up in”


    By ANOTHER disgusting crime the whole USA is wrapped up in,the stealing of Presidential and Senatorial elections.

  3. A vote for Pedo Joe is a vote for War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.
    I simply cannot understand how ANY American could support this traitorous filth.
    Brain dead? Willfully ignorant? Self-hating? Evil? Corrupt?
    I don’t get it.
    I will never understand the desire to destroy our once-great country – to destroy Western Civilization, the fount of so much wonder and beauty.

    The entire World would still be creeping through caves and grubbing in the dirt floors of mud huts, existing “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” without the contributions of Western Civilization.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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