In Recent News – IOTW Report

In Recent News

9 Comments on In Recent News

  1. FYI, The one about the DC court of appeals. The usual suspects have been reporting all day that the court upheld the GAG order. I guess because the didn’t strike it down. Freaken amazing.

  2. Brad, in a better world, the journos would have said “eviscerated” instead of “upheld”. But then they’d have been actual reporters instead of journos. And there would have been no bullshit gag order at all. Or stolen election… or……but I digress. How about those Hunter Biden ATM fees? The banks must love this freewheeling asshat who sheds money like a mangy dog.

  3. How bout Kyle Pecker? Don’t matter this story is BS. Gag order left in place with ONE exception, Jack Smith. Daddy Warbucks is free to insult him.
    The rest of original Gag order left in place. Even the bigly 5yr ole was cry’n on his Truth Social.

  4. Anonymous, what does poor Kyle De—I mean, Becker—have to do with any of your hysterics about the gag order? You seem to be angry that Trump may now criticize Jack Smith. Is Jack a friend of yours?

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