In Repealing Obamacare, One Must Not Overlook The Plight of Celebrities – IOTW Report

In Repealing Obamacare, One Must Not Overlook The Plight of Celebrities

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Last week the more sensible members of the House of Representatives all voted to start replacing ObamaCare with something that sucks much less. Liberals have of course lost their ever-loving minds claiming that providing more affordable health care “will kill millions of Americans.”  Liberal celebrities, not to be outdone, are getting in on the hysteria.  Like Cher and Alyssa Milano, who are exceedingly wealthy and can afford top-notch health insurance, want you to believe that the ObamaCare repeal is going to devastate them.

If you want to grab a tissue before you read the rest of this, I’ll wait……….

First we have former child actor and b-lister Alyssa Milano, who last time I remember seeing her she was trolling for money on television to feed people who live out in the middle of the desert and are too stupid to go where the food is, and also seem to remember seeing her selling Earth Friendly Drain Cleaner or Bottled Unicorn Farts or something on The Home Shopping Network.  She sent out this bizarre tweet with a video which is designed to jerk your chain and make you think that she will now be uninsurable.  MORE

5 Comments on In Repealing Obamacare, One Must Not Overlook The Plight of Celebrities

  1. Cognitive deficiency on display here, further scrambled by peer pressure from fellow sleb morons.

    BTW, If she wanted to make a buck she should be selling Bottled Unicorn Snot, given recent news reported here at iOTWReport.

  2. “So she is a nervous wreck, has zits, is experiencing 2 simultaneous pregnancies and is in the process of receiving two c-sections. I have to say, all things considered, she looks pretty good seeing she suffers of the scourge of a serious health problem like acne! I’m guessing that maybe she would like to go back and reword that tweet”

    Now that busted me up!!!! Bwhahahaha!!!!!

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