In response to scandals and stolen art seizures, the Met plans to scour its own collections for looted artifacts – IOTW Report

In response to scandals and stolen art seizures, the Met plans to scour its own collections for looted artifacts

ICIJ: Rocked by a series of law enforcement and media probes, the Metropolitan Museum of Art has pledged to investigate suspicious works in the museum’s 1.5 million-piece collection.

The move appears to be a rare admission by North America’s largest museum that its endeavors to keep its collection clean have fallen short.

In a statement posted to the museum’s website, Met director Max Hollein said a new four-person team of provenance investigators would work alongside curators, conservators and other researchers to expand efforts to examine its vast catalogue.

“First, we will broaden, expedite and intensify our research into all works that came to the Museum from art dealers who have been under investigation,” Hollein said. “This examination will build on decades of research, and it is important that we allow whatever time is necessary for this urgent work to be completed.”

Hollein noted particular attention would be paid by investigators to items added to the Met’s collection between 1970 and 1990 — a period when the museum grew rapidly, aided by a lax approach to provenance. MORE

5 Comments on In response to scandals and stolen art seizures, the Met plans to scour its own collections for looted artifacts

  1. first reaction: can’t have the masses being enlightened by Western art. time to destroy that too. we just declare it null & void because of a convoluted ‘paper trail’ of provenance nonsense. simple.

    but, then again … I’m a bit jaded & always, these days, look for a Western Civilization destroying angle

  2. I’ll wait to see, but The MET probably has some art looted in Europe in WWII. Or earlier. All museums probably do.

    The Brit Museum has the Elgin Marbles, sculptures removed from the Parthenon. I don’t know if Elgin paid for them or more likely stole them, but the UK should give them back to Greece. Just to be good guys and make up some from their past history of theft. Wonder where the wealth came from to build all those huge English country mansions? Yes, the underdeveloped world in Africa and Asia.

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