In Terms Of Kamala – IOTW Report

In Terms Of Kamala

Patriot Retort:
I thought I might do a little update on Kamala in terms of her favorite go-to ingredient in terms of her word salads.

As I pointed out a while ago, when speaking extemporaneously, Kamala has a favorite phrase she uses a lot. Like “A LOT” a lot. Sometimes, she does a double-shot of her favorite phrase in a single sentence. That’s how much she uses it.

This morning, I saw this clip from Tuesday:

KAMALA HARRIS on inflation: “I acknowledge one must acknowledge that prices are going up, and that people are working hard and, in many cases, are worried about whether they can get through the end of the month and make it all work.”

9 Comments on In Terms Of Kamala

  1. Well, when you can’t formulate a concise verbal statement very well, AND you consider yourself above everyone you speak to, it is necessary to speak IN TERMS OF what the other person might could possibly understand. At least in her mind, anyway.

    Actually the phrase “in terms of” is just a verbal crutch used to compensate for the lack of extemporaneous speaking ability.

  2. In terms of the Vice Resident, sometimes she speaks and some times she doesn’t, but when she has something to say, she doesn’t waste words, not talking, but speaking about thinks that are, & are not, always irrelevant to the situation at hand or in the Future if they will become relevant.

  3. I have a theory that when the Jamindian takes over, her Handlers and Masters (Obama and Susan Rice) are going to have her pretend to be a Moderate to save the Democrat Party from a complete disaster in 2024. She will close the Border (by then three million illegal aliens will have crossed over, so what difference will it make to pretend to be getting strict); she will stop throwing billions at social spending to pretend they are concerned about inflation (this will be too late to cut inflation, but it will sound good); Joe Manchin will be invited to the White House for consultation (he will come there and tell reporters after the meeting that things are going to get better); and she will get tough with China (they won’t change their terrible Communist behavior or attitude, but they won’t invade Taiwan until after 2024, so as to not embarrass the Harris Administration). It will be the old Bill Clinton triangulation stratagem. She can’t continue down Biden’s path without being an even bigger laughing stock. Just something I came up with driving along today. Might turn out to be true. Anything can happen these days.

  4. She is nothing more than a barking seal. Take the question, reframe the question in the form of an answer, use the subject noun or verb of the question as a word in that answer. Repeat the noun or verb at least twice. Use the collective term “we” as often as possible.

    Clasp your hands when the question is asked as if you are paying deep attention, then wave same hands around frantically in the response to distract from your empty meaningless answer.

    Rinse, lather, repeat. She is a vacuous imbeclic child.

  5. Like a vestigial organ, Kamala’s favorite phrase serves absolutely no purpose in the grand scheme of what she’s trying to say.

    While Kakamala’s favorite phrase may not have this purpose, it certainly has this effect: it makes it more difficult to understand what she means and so hides the inherent meaninglessness of what she says.

    Dianny, you say it’s like a vestigial organ, but I propose it’s more akin to a fractal excrescence that coats and befouls her whole body, every organ in that body, every cell in every organ, every protein and amino acid in every cell, and so on down through molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, and on to the quantum vacuum at the bottom of it all, even below all the turtles. Thus: fractal.

  6. I really think she is high most of the time . Marijuana or xanax , or both . Not trying to be cute or funny here , I really think she is stoned . Her thought formulation is jumbled , and she is woefully unprepared in just about any situation . She is visibly nervous at any podium .


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