In Texas: Not ‘A Lot of Evidence’ Beto O’Rourke Has Excited Minority Voters – IOTW Report

In Texas: Not ‘A Lot of Evidence’ Beto O’Rourke Has Excited Minority Voters

WFB: Texas Tribune Washington Bureau Chief Abby Livingston said Wednesday that minority turnout for Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D., Texas), the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Texas, could end up being his downfall.

“We are not seeing a lot of evidence that he has excited African-Americans and Hispanics. So that could be his Achille’s heel,” Livingston said during an appearance on the “Bill Press Show.”

“I went to an event for Hispanics in Forth Worth and two thirds of the people there were white,” she said.

When asked about O’Rourke’s heritage, Livingston corrected progressive host Bill Press, who was under the impression O’Rourke was Latino.

“He is Robert Francis O’Rourke … Beto is his childhood nickname,” Livingston said.

“He’s not half-Latino?” Press asked.

“No, he’s Irish,” Livingston said.


16 Comments on In Texas: Not ‘A Lot of Evidence’ Beto O’Rourke Has Excited Minority Voters

  1. I’ve seen quite a few black-and-white “Beto” signs popping up around town lately. That doesn’t bother me though, because in 2016 there were a lot of Hillary signs up too, and not one Trump sign or poster that I can remember. Yet Trump carried the county easily.

    You see, the reason for this is that (unlike the Left) most Conservatives are smart enough to not make targets of themselves by displaying yard signs and bumper stickers. Such things convince no one to change their vote, and only invite name-calling and vandalism.

    I have to admit that the Beto signs are useful, though. They make it easier to know who your enemies are.

  2. This shit would not fly in Northern California.(Jefferson) I’m not joking. How can this Libtard even be in contention? No more shit on how great Texas is please. And your running out of Californians to blame this on. Do the math.

  3. >And your running out of Californians to blame this on. Do the math.<….really?….I guess your right because most of them are now known as living in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Texas….shit the nest and flee….

  4. “>And your running out of Californians to blame this on. Do the math.<….really?….I guess your right because most of them are now known as living in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Texas….shit the nest and flee…."

    Calm down, get you dick out of your goat, and try and make that mess coherent.

  5. My goat is dead and buried Brad….Californians, specifically SoCal maybe NoCal too, dig goats up to satiate their withered, emasculated loins….then they vote them in for 30 years as a senator or representative….

    Fix Pelosi, Feinstein, Waters, Jerry Brown et. al….then we can talk….LOL…

  6. What attacks? and no your not my enemy despite calling me names and telling me to fuck off….I made and make some comments that you don’t like or agree with… That’s okay, you make comments that I don’t like or agree with, but I’ve never called you an asshole or a pussy or told you to fuck off….My Momma raised me not to do that…

  7. @willysgoatgruff: Hey, it’ll all be OK – you just need to give Brad a Snickers bar.

    He gets a little hungry when he’s angry.

    (Just kidding, BB. But you already knew that.)


  8. When was the last time the media admitted a Republican was winning or would be winning any race?

    Their only purpose is to demotivate the right and energize the left.

    If Cruz wins, they’ll just drop it and never admit that all their cheerleading was based in wishful thinking.

    Saw some MSNBC clip last night where the announcer was talking about how Drmocrats have already won the House and are going to flip the Senate. Bluuuuue Waaaave!


  9. @BB….I reviewed my shit and lo and behold, I’ve never told anybody to fuck off anywhere on the internet, but I will continue to make comments on things that don’t make sense to me….

  10. I’ve already reported Beto’s campaigner’s for Texting and calling me asking for donations on the DoNotCall website! I don’t vote democrat ever! Not even if their the better of the two personally!

  11. “If Cruz wins, they’ll just drop it and never admit that all their cheerleading was based in wishful thinking.”

    What, and waste an opportunity to accuse of cheating, collusion, and Nazi-ism? That would be a step backwards and is tantamount to sunlight falling on their vampire skin. They always lean forward toward totalitarianism no matter what smacking around reality gives them.

    It’s a mental disorder. We need tranq darts. Lots and lots of tranq darts.

    Because NOT winning is not an option. Screw them and their psychosis.


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