In the Second Term of the First Black President, Rioting Is the New Normal – IOTW Report

In the Second Term of the First Black President, Rioting Is the New Normal

Rush Limbaugh:  It’s a sad observation, folks.  I’m telling you, a sad, sad observation but it’s an observation that I don’t think I’m alone in making.  It seems like rioting is almost expected now when there is a cop shooting.  A cop shooting, period.  Don’t care about the details.  It seems like it’s now axiomatic that there’s going to be rioting or massive public protests or threats of rioting or threats of unrest every time the cops have to draw their weapons.

Now, stop and think about this.  Where are we here?  We’re in the United States of America.  We are in the second term of the presidency of the first African-American president ever elected in this country, a former community organizer — ah — agitator, organizer, same thing, who promised and assured us, via hope and change, that none of this would survive the presidency. This kind of thing was destined for the ash heap.

We aren’t going to have these kinds of divisive squabbles any longer because the election of the first African-American president would finally mean that we had matured and that we had seen the error of our sinful past.  The election the first African-American president, not just that act, but the man himself with his promises and his assurances is going to unify us, the country was going to become one, the nation was going to be loved by all the peoples of the world, and, via hope and change, there would be an unbridled optimism that would spread coast to coast, east to west, north to south, all across this country.

And now look where we are.  We’re nowhere. 

12 Comments on In the Second Term of the First Black President, Rioting Is the New Normal

  1. Amazing, the white majority population has turned over its fate, culture, and even its very future existence to a malevolent minority population aided and abetted by a half black African Mau Mau and his evil white Marxist enablers!

  2. Obama could have done a much better job if he didn’t surround himself with black ghetto negro sons with a gorilla womyn forcing Beyonce cop hater rhetoric and horrible processed food down our throats all the while boxing in any opposition as “not who we are.”

    Take a good look, Obama, Charlotte is exactly who you are.

  3. What is the end game for Barky O? TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA. That’s what he set out to do, and thanks to the abetting by the media he is doing it. The Military get tied up in bs of chain of command, and obey him regardless. Time to say HELL NO, pull a coup and take him away. Congress Critters are like a bunch of church ladies setting around on their fat asses and either laughing at us or clucking. Trump must win and stay the course. Lots of housecleaning to do. Until the head of the snake george soros is killed, it will keep happening.

  4. I went out at lunch for a walk and stopped in at the Dunkin Donuts for large unsweet tea. The white female manager had just been assaulted by a black man. A black policeman arrived and told her since the guy had taken off there was nothing they could do. They aren’t even going to cruise around and look for him. She said “thanks for nothing. Next time I’ll kick his ass myself.” And the police officer told her that then SHE would be arrested for assault.

    I’m going to start carrying bear spray even when I go out for lunchtime walks now. Sad that this is what our “civilization” has deteriorated into under democrat (mentally ill) management.

  5. I don’t defend questionable cops, but I think this whole “racist” movement really got wings with Obama stating that the cop acted “stupidly” for doing his job years ago. Blacks took that and ran, and he has defended them every time.

  6. Point of Interest:
    I am always confused about slavery and the United States of America.

    The Colonies declared Independence from the British in 1776 and the new Americans ended slavery in 1865. Isn’t that only 89 years of horrible American slavery and not the 400 that progressives keep quoting?

    Americans did not invent nor bring slavery to this country, but they damn sure ended it with the Civil War and the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments.

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