In Ukraine, it appears America will soon be arming both side’s combatants – IOTW Report

In Ukraine, it appears America will soon be arming both side’s combatants

Putin is negotiating to buy abandoned American weapons from Afghanistan while Biden is sending 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine. We will have armed both sides to the battle.

16 Comments on In Ukraine, it appears America will soon be arming both side’s combatants

  1. ” ya think it’s cheaper, to leave it there, so they can have it, than it is to fill it up with a half a tank of Gas and Fly it into Pakistan or fly it back to our country? – Trump

    “Yes Sir.”
    “We think its Cheaper sir” – Gen. Miley

    “That’s when I realized he was a Fuckin Idiot.” – Trump

  2. That’s capitalism for you! But who would have thought the terrorists and the socialists would be better at it than America? We leave the stuff behind in Afghanistan and then give the stuff away to Ukraine while the Taliban make 100% profit and Russia makes a killing –literally.

    But as long as the Big Guy gets his 10% and the Uniparty gets their money laundered this will continue. Duck and cover…

  3. Failure after failure, Joe’s on a roll.
    It makes one question if this wasn’t the plan all along.
    Did they think there were no consequences of leaving $80 BILLION dollars of high tech and infantry weapons of war and millions of rounds of ammunition?
    Did they think at all? Where was this great General Milley and the Joint Chiefs of our COVID Mandated and decimated, pronoun, woke and weak military.
    How are we getting out of Biden’s mess unscathed.
    How many Department of Defense and Dept. of State military contractors are in Ukraine. How many Multi $MILLION dollar contracts have been signed. How many more $Billions will Biden spend to kill an already decimated Ukraine population.

    Is there any out?
    Or will we enter a full scale war losing 10s of thousands like we did in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and afghanistan??

  4. Sounds to me like they’re starting WWIII. I think it’s up to 12 countries now sending tanks and other military equipment to Ukraine. Germany is already saying they’re at war with Russia.
    Regardless what our country and the others say, Russia is going to consider this an act of war.

    All the people beating those war drums wanting us in Ukraine are about to get their wish and soon I believe will be regretting that decision. It’s all fun and games to talk about it, much different when that shit comes to our country.

  5. Those who have never experienced combat don’t have a clue.
    You can watch all the War movies and propaganda clips from Ukraine, but you’ll never experience or understand the complete decimation of a country and its people until it comes to our once great Nation.

    With the failures of Biden, his handlers and the woke military, I fear for our Nation. Is the US prepared to face Financial ruin, destruction of our states, cities, towns and loss of Millions of our population to appease the warmongers and Military Industrial Complex?

    This goes far beyond Cloward and Piven’s destruction of the Nation from within. We are now opening ourselves to other Nation States to destroy us.

    There is great evil lurking in the shadows, few see it.

  6. “What on earth is the true faith of an Armourer? To give arms to all men who offer an honest price for them, without respect of persons or principles, to aristocrat and republican, to nihilist and Tsar, to capitalist and socialist, to burglar and policeman, to … all nationalities, all faiths, all follies, and all crimes.”

    “Undershaft triumphs:
    ‘I am the government of the country … you will do what pays us. You will make war when it suits you, and keep peace when it doesn’t … when I want anything to keep my dividends up, you will discover that my want is a national need … and in return you shall have the support and applause of my newspapers, and the delight of imagining that you are a great statesman.’”
    -George Berrnard Shaw, “Major Barbara” (1905)

  7. We built these weapons and the EU is paying for them via their boycotts of Russian energy which have increased Russian GDP by 30%.

    This could only be possible by installing a true Potatohead as leader of the “free world”.

  8. Ya know what?

    The Cheneys and Roves have been awful quiet lately?
    Did Liz pass those inside weapons contracts back then? When it was pointed out that was what whe was doing at the time here?

    Interesting, isn’t it

  9. Uh Oh

    What with all these reveals
    And VPs with Classyfied Docs
    Poor Dick.

    Does your Daughter get an unannounced visit from a friendly government worker just doing his or her job?

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