In wake of Muslim migrant migration Sweden “struggles over child marriage”, fears “cultural insensitivity” – IOTW Report

In wake of Muslim migrant migration Sweden “struggles over child marriage”, fears “cultural insensitivity”

Geller Report: If the leftwing islamophiliac Politico is covering this, you know it’s really bad.

What the Politico article fails to mention is child marriage is sanctioned in Islam. Muhammad, ‘the prophet of Islam’, married his favorite wife at the age of six. Under Islam, Muhammad is ‘the perfect example.

Sweden struggles over child marriage

Critics say government is treading too softly to avoid accusations of cultural insensitivity.

STOCKHOLM — A row over how to deal with child marriage among immigrants has inflamed political debate ahead of a general election in Sweden, where migration continues to divide public opinion and the far right is riding high in the polls.

A tug-of-war between the ruling Social Democrat-Green Party coalition and the opposition over the government’s role in managing or eradicating the practice — which predominantly affects young girls, and in some cases boys, from immigrant backgrounds — is emblematic of a broader struggle to find a balance between efforts to integrate a large number of new immigrants and preserve a Swedish way of life.

“Sweden has been bad at providing people who come here with clear information about how our system works, about this society’s views on children’s rights, gender equality, family policies, and parents’ and guardians’ responsibilities,” said Juno Blom, who is running for parliament on behalf of the opposition Liberal Party.

“While we insist that Sweden protects children’s rights and that we promote a child-centered approach to children’s welfare, we have allowed children of foreign backgrounds to live as married women with older men,” said Blom, who also acts as Sweden’s national coordinator to counter honor-based violence and oppression.


6 Comments on In wake of Muslim migrant migration Sweden “struggles over child marriage”, fears “cultural insensitivity”

  1. L00k at Mexico – one of our strongest outside influences of culture – age of sexual consent for children is 12.

    We’ve done it to ourselves by allowing external laws and ideas to destroy our values and cultures. These actions don’t give kids a chance (of whatever race/creed) a chance. But may be that’s a reason in itself because then capitalism is also destroyed.

  2. Anyone with a rational viewpoint is labeled “far right”. Believing in standards of decency has been categorized as fringe in the twisted and perverted ranks of the left.


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